Source code for bal

:mod:`bal` - Calculate the bushfire attack level (BAL)

This module is used to produce the bushfire attack level (BAL) for an area of
interest within Australia based on input vegetation and elevation datasets
as per Method 1 in the Australian Standard AS 3959 (2009) -- Construction of
buildings in bushfire-prone areas.

:moduleauthor: Tina Yang <>


import sys
import os
import inspect
import math
from os.path import join as pjoin
import arcpy
from calculate_bal import bal_cal
from utilities.sa_tools import extract_by_mask, reclassify, cal_slope_aspect

__version__ = '2.1'

[docs]def reclass_veg(veg, dem, output_folder, remap, mask): """ Reclassify the original vegetation into the categories classified as Table 2.3 in AS 3959 (2009). :param veg: `file` the input vegetation :param dem: `file` the input dem used as reference projection :param output_folder: `str` the output folder :param remap: `srt` the vegetation reclassification :param mask: `file` the mask for the effective AOI :return: `file` the reclassified vegetation """ arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True input_folder = os.path.dirname(veg) arcpy.env.workspace = input_folder veg_r_init = 'veg_r_init' veg_r_proj = pjoin(input_folder, 'veg_r_pj') veg_class_r = pjoin(output_folder, 'veg_r') arcpy.AddMessage('Remap the vegetation into classes of 1 ~ 7 ...') # Derive reclassifed veg... reclassify(veg, remap, veg_r_init) # project as dem and change cell size same as that of dem dem_c = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "CELLSIZEX").getOutput(0) arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(veg_r_init, veg_r_proj, dem, "#", dem_c) if arcpy.Exists(veg_r_init): arcpy.Delete_management(veg_r_init) # get the AOI extract_by_mask(veg_r_proj, mask, veg_class_r) g_list = arcpy.ListRasters('g_g*') if len(g_list) != 0: for g_file in g_list: arcpy.Delete_management(g_file) if arcpy.Exists(veg_r_proj): arcpy.Delete_management(veg_r_proj) return veg_class_r
[docs]def get_slope_aspect(input_dem, output_folder, mask): """ Calculate the slope and aspect from the input DEM :param input_dem: `file` the input DEM :param output_folder: `str` the output folder :param mask: `file` the mask for the effective AOI :return: `file` the reclassified slope :return: `file` the reclassified aspect """ arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True input_folder = os.path.dirname(input_dem) arcpy.env.workspace = input_folder dem_slope = pjoin(input_folder, 'slope') dem_aspect = pjoin(input_folder, 'aspect') # Derive slope and aspect ... cal_slope_aspect(input_dem, dem_slope, dem_aspect) aspect_rec_init = pjoin(input_folder, 'aspect_r_i') slope_rec_init = pjoin(input_folder, 'slope_r_i') aspect_rec = pjoin(output_folder, 'aspect_r') slope_rec = pjoin(output_folder, 'slope_r') # Derive reclassifed aspect... arcpy.AddMessage('Remap the aspect into classes of 1 ~ 9 ...') reclassify(dem_aspect, "-1 0 9;0 22.5 1;22.5 67.5 2;67.5 112.5 3;\ 112.5 157.5 4;157.5 202.5 5;202.5 247.5 6;247.5 292.5 7;\ 292.5 337.5 8;337.5 360 1", aspect_rec_init) value_max = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management( dem_slope, "MAXIMUM").getOutput(0) if float(value_max) < 20: value_max = 20.0001 # remap is minimum inclusive but maxmum exclusive. using .0001 to comform # to the standard minimum is exclusive and maximum is inclusive remap = "0 0 1;0.0001 5 2;5.0001 10 3;10.0001 15 4;\ 15.0001 20 5;20.0001 " + \ str(math.ceil(float(value_max))) + " 6" arcpy.AddMessage('Remap the slope into classes of 1 ~ 6 ...') # Derive reclassifed slope... reclassify(dem_slope, remap, slope_rec_init) extract_by_mask(aspect_rec_init, mask, aspect_rec) extract_by_mask(slope_rec_init, mask, slope_rec) g_list = arcpy.ListRasters('g_g*') if len(g_list) != 0: for g_file in g_list: arcpy.Delete_management(g_file) if arcpy.Exists(dem_slope): arcpy.Delete_management(dem_slope) if arcpy.Exists(dem_aspect): arcpy.Delete_management(dem_aspect) if arcpy.Exists(slope_rec_init): arcpy.Delete_management(slope_rec_init) if arcpy.Exists(aspect_rec_init): arcpy.Delete_management(aspect_rec_init) return slope_rec, aspect_rec
[docs]def find_common_area(veg_class, slope, aspect): """ Find the common area of vegetation, slope and aspect to calculate BAL. :param veg_class: `file` the reclassified vegetation :param slope: `file` the slope derived from DEM :param aspect: `file` the aspect derived from DEM :return: `file` the vegetation in common area :return: `file` the slope in common area :return: `file` the aspect in common area """ output_folder = os.path.dirname(veg_class) arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # set directory work_folder = output_folder os.chdir(work_folder) arcpy.env.workspace = work_folder # get the common area of veg and dem # get the extent of inputs slope_poly = "slope_poly.shp" veg_class_poly = "veg_class_poly.shp" get_footprint(slope, slope_poly) get_footprint(veg_class, veg_class_poly) mask_com = 'mask_com.shp' arcpy.Intersect_analysis([slope_poly, veg_class_poly], mask_com) veg_class_com = pjoin(output_folder, 'veg_c') slope_com = pjoin(output_folder, 'slope_c') aspect_com = pjoin(output_folder, 'aspect_c') extract_by_mask(veg_class, mask_com, veg_class_com) extract_by_mask(slope, mask_com, slope_com) extract_by_mask(aspect, mask_com, aspect_com) if arcpy.Exists(slope_poly): arcpy.Delete_management(slope_poly) if arcpy.Exists(veg_class_poly): arcpy.Delete_management(veg_class_poly) if arcpy.Exists(mask_com): arcpy.Delete_management(mask_com) if arcpy.Exists(veg_class): arcpy.Delete_management(veg_class) if arcpy.Exists(slope): arcpy.Delete_management(slope) if arcpy.Exists(aspect): arcpy.Delete_management(aspect) return veg_class_com, slope_com, aspect_com
[docs]def bal_calc(vegetation, dem, fdi, output_folder, remap, mask): """ Calcuate BAL based on vegetation map and DEM. :param vegetation: `file` the original vegetation :param dem: `file` the input DEM :param fdi: `int` the input FDI value :param output_folder: `str` the output folder :param remap: `srt` the vegetation reclassification :param mask: `file` the mask for the effective area of interest (AOI) """ arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.AddMessage('Reclassify the vegetation map ... ') veg_class = reclass_veg(vegetation, dem, output_folder, remap, mask) arcpy.AddMessage('Reclassify slope and aspect ... ') slope, aspect = get_slope_aspect(dem, output_folder, mask) if arcpy.Exists(mask): arcpy.Delete_management(mask) # extract the common area between vegtation, slope and aspect arcpy.AddMessage('Get common area of input data ... ') veg_class_com, slope_com, aspect_com = find_common_area(veg_class, slope, aspect) arcpy.AddMessage('Calculate the BAL ... ') bal_cal(veg_class_com, slope_com, aspect_com, fdi)
[docs]def get_extent_mask(extent, mask): """ Derive the mask for the customised input extent. :param extent: `str` the input extent :param mask: `file` the output mask """ extent_list = str(extent).split() # Array to hold points array = arcpy.Array() # Create the bounding box array.add(arcpy.Point(float(extent_list[0]), float(extent_list[1]))) array.add(arcpy.Point(float(extent_list[2]), float(extent_list[1]))) array.add(arcpy.Point(float(extent_list[2]), float(extent_list[3]))) array.add(arcpy.Point(float(extent_list[0]), float(extent_list[3]))) array.add(arcpy.Point(float(extent_list[0]), float(extent_list[1]))) # Create the polygon object polygon = arcpy.Polygon(array) array.removeAll() arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(polygon, mask)
[docs]def get_footprint(raster, footprint): """ Find the footprint of a raster :param raster: `file` the input raster :param footprint: `file` the output footprint """ # set the environment variable and workspace arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True input_folder = os.path.dirname(raster) arcpy.env.workspace = input_folder raster_extent = arcpy.Describe(raster).extent get_extent_mask(raster_extent, footprint) # add the original spatial reference to the footprint desc = arcpy.Describe(raster) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(footprint, desc.spatialReference)
[docs]def find_aoi(extent, dem, veg): """ Find the effective area of interest based on input vegetation map, DEM and extent. :param extent: `str` the input extent :param dem: `file` the input DEM :param veg: `file` the input vegetation :return: `file` the mask for effective AOI """ # set the environment variable and workspace arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True input_dem_folder = os.path.dirname(dem) input_veg_folder = os.path.dirname(veg) arcpy.env.workspace = input_dem_folder # derive the effective mask based on the input data arcpy.AddMessage('Get the area of interest from the input extent ...') mask = pjoin(input_dem_folder, 'mask.shp') if str(extent) in ['DEFAULT', 'MAXOF', 'MINOF']: # get the extent of inputs dem_poly = pjoin(input_dem_folder, "dem_poly.shp") veg_poly = pjoin(input_veg_folder, "veg_poly.shp") get_footprint(dem, dem_poly) get_footprint(veg, veg_poly) arcpy.Intersect_analysis([dem_poly, veg_poly], mask) # delete intermediate files if arcpy.Exists(dem_poly): arcpy.Delete_management(dem_poly) if arcpy.Exists(veg_poly): arcpy.Delete_management(veg_poly) else: get_extent_mask(extent, mask) # add dem's spatial reference to the mask desc = arcpy.Describe(dem) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(mask, desc.spatialReference) return mask
[docs]def run(): """ Run the BAL calculations. """ # add subfolders into path cmd_folder = os.path.realpath( os.path.abspath( os.path.split( inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))[0])) if cmd_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder) cmd_subfolder = pjoin(cmd_folder, "utilities") if cmd_subfolder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder) # get input parameters from toolbox interface dem = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) veg = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) remap = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) output_folder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) fdi = arcpy.GetParameter(4) extent = arcpy.GetParameter(5) dem_sr = arcpy.Describe(dem).spatialReference arcpy.AddMessage("DEM's spatial reference type is {0}".format(dem_sr.type)) if dem_sr.type == "Projected": # find effective AOI based on the input parameters mask = find_aoi(extent, dem, veg) try: # calculate the BAL for the effective AOI bal_calc(veg, dem, fdi, output_folder, remap, mask) arcpy.AddMessage("Successfully completed BAL calculation!") except Exception as err: # Report any exceptions back arcpy.AddError(err) else: arcpy.AddError("To go ahead, the DEM needs to be projected first")
if __name__ == '__main__': run()