:mod:`sa_tools` - some support functions replacing spatial analyst
This module includes algorithms that are used to replace spatial analyst
functions such as ExtractByMask, Reclassify, Slope and Aspect used within this
:moduleauthor: Tina Yang <tina.yang@ga.gov.au>
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import arcpy
import os
RADIANS_PER_DEGREE = 0.01745329251994329576923690768489
[docs]def clip_array(data, x_left, y_upper, pixelwidth, pixelheight, extent):
Return the clipped area of the input array according to an sub-extent
:param data: :class:`numpy.ndarray` the input array
:param x_left: `float` the left-most x projected coordinate
:param y_upper: `float` the upper-most y projected coordinate
:param pixelwidth: `float` the pixel width
:param pixelheight: `float` the pixel height
:param extent: `tuple` the clipping extent
:return: :class:`numpy.ndarray` the clipped array
x_start = int(np.around((extent[0] - x_left)/pixelwidth))
y_start = int(np.around((y_upper - extent[3])/pixelheight))
cols = int(np.around((extent[2] - extent[0])/pixelwidth))
rows = int(np.around((extent[3] - extent[1])/pixelheight))
x_end = x_start + cols
y_end = y_start + rows
data_clip = data[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end]
return data_clip
[docs]def reclassify(image_fname, remap, out_fname):
Reclassify the raster as per the input remap
:param image_fname: `file` the input raster
:param remap: `str` the info of remap
:return: `file` the output raster
output_folder = os.path.dirname(image_fname)
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# set directory
work_folder = output_folder
arcpy.env.workspace = work_folder
# set nodata value
nodata_value = -99
# get the information of the original image
desc = arcpy.Describe(image_fname)
x_min = desc.extent.XMin
y_min = desc.extent.YMin
pixel_w = desc.meanCellWidth
pixel_h = desc.meanCellHeight
sref = desc.spatialReference
# get the lowleft corner for positioning the output raster
lowleft_corner = arcpy.Point(x_min, y_min)
data = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(image_fname, nodata_to_value=nodata_value)
remap_list = remap.split(";")
for a_map in remap_list:
values = a_map.lstrip().split(" ")
if len(values) == 2:
start_value = float(values[0])
end_value = float(values[0])
new_value = values[1]
start_value = float(values[0])
end_value = float(values[1])
new_value = values[2]
# to include the orignal end value , expand the end value a bit
end_value += 0.0001
if new_value == 'NODATA':
new_value = nodata_value
new_value = int(new_value)
range_loc = np.where((data >= start_value) & (data < end_value))
data[range_loc] = new_value
data = data.astype(int)
# save the output array into a raster
arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(data, lowleft_corner, pixel_w, pixel_h,
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(out_fname, sref)
del data
[docs]def cal_slope_aspect(dem, slope_fname, aspect_fname):
Calculate the slope from the input dem
:param dem: `file` the input dem
:param slope_fname: `file` the output slope
:param aspect_fname: `file` the output aspect
output_folder = os.path.dirname(dem)
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# set directory
work_folder = output_folder
arcpy.env.workspace = work_folder
# set nodata value
nodata_value = -99
# get the information of the original image
desc = arcpy.Describe(dem)
x_min = desc.extent.XMin
y_min = desc.extent.YMin
pixel_w = desc.meanCellWidth
pixel_h = desc.meanCellHeight
sref = desc.spatialReference
# get the lowleft corner for positioning the output raster
lowleft_corner = arcpy.Point(x_min, y_min)
elevation_array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(dem,
mask = np.where(elevation_array == nodata_value)
# Set nodata cells adjacent to valid cells to a matching value.
# This is to ensure the slope values (calculated using a centred
# difference scheme) near nodata areas remain sensible.
nx, ny = elevation_array.shape
for i in range(ny):
for j in range(nx -1):
if (elevation_array[j+1, i] == nodata_value and
elevation_array[j, i] != nodata_value):
elevation_array[j+1, i] = elevation_array[j, i]
for i in range(nx):
for j in range(ny -1):
if (elevation_array[i, j+1] == nodata_value and
elevation_array[i, j] != nodata_value):
elevation_array[i, j+1] = elevation_array[i, j]
for i in range(ny):
for j in range(nx -1, -1, -1):
if (elevation_array[j, i] == nodata_value and
elevation_array[j+1, i] != nodata_value):
elevation_array[j, i] = elevation_array[j+1, i]
for i in range(nx):
for j in range(ny-1, -1, -1):
if (elevation_array[i, j] == nodata_value and
elevation_array[i, j+1] != nodata_value):
elevation_array[i, j] = elevation_array[i, j+1]
# Calculate gradient:
# See https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.6.0/reference/generated/numpy.gradient.html
# This is the 1.6 version of numpy.gradient:
dzdx, dzdy = np.gradient(elevation_array, pixel_w, pixel_h)
# Calculate slope:
hypotenuse_array = np.hypot(dzdx, dzdy)
slope_array = np.arctan(hypotenuse_array) / RADIANS_PER_DEGREE
slope_array[mask] = nodata_value
del hypotenuse_array
# Aspect
# Convert angles from conventional radians to compass heading 0-360
aspect_array = np.mod((450. - np.arctan2(dzdy, -dzdx)/ RADIANS_PER_DEGREE), 360.)
aspect_array[mask] = nodata_value
del dzdx, dzdy
# save the output array into a raster
arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(slope_array, lowleft_corner, pixel_w, pixel_h,
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(slope_fname, sref)
arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(aspect_array, lowleft_corner, pixel_w, pixel_h,
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(aspect_fname, sref)
del elevation_array, slope_array, aspect_array