Phase Closure Module

The phase closure functionality in PyRate is designed to identify and mitigate the effects of spatial unwrapping errors in the input interferograms (ifgs). Identification is by forming “closure loops” between sets of ifgs and then summing the phase in this closed loop for each pixel. Theoretically, the closure phase should be equal to zero, though in reality, close to zero is good enough. An unwrapping error in one of the loop edges will manifest as a closure phase of n2pi radians. By forming many loops amongst a network of ifgs, we attempt to identify the individual ifgs that are contributing the unwrapping error. Once identified, the unwrapping errors are mitigated by masking those pixels in the necessary (but not all) ifgs.

By default, PyRate will do the phase closure step after orbital error, reference phase and DEM error correction steps. If a user wants to change the order of the corrections during PyRate’s correct step, copy and paste the following code-block in to the PyRate configuration file and re-order the steps. This will over-ride the default behaviour.

steps =

Five parameters control the phase closure functionality in PyRate. These are described in the example PyRate configuration file _inputparameters.conf as follows:

# Phase closure correction parameters

# closure_thr:         Closure threshold for each pixel in multiples of pi, e.g. 0.5 = pi/2, 1 = pi.
# ifg_drop_thr:        Ifgs with more than this fraction of pixels above the closure threshold in all
#                      loops it participates in, will be dropped entirely.
# min_loops_per_ifg:   Ifgs are dropped entirely if they do not participate in at least this many closure loops.
# max_loop_length:     Closure loops with up to this many edges will be used.
# max_loop_redundancy: A closure loop will be discarded if all constituent ifgs in that loop have
#                      already contributed to a number of loops equal to this parameter.
closure_thr:         0.5
ifg_drop_thr:        0.05
min_loops_per_ifg:   2
max_loop_length:     4
max_loop_redundancy: 2

The PyRate phase closure algorithm proceeds as follows:

  1. Find the closed loops within the given ifg network having edges less than or equal to the parameter max_loop_length. This is done in the function mst_closure.sort_loops_based_on_weights_and_date. We perform several steps in this stage:

    • Find closed loops with edges numbering between 3 and max_loop_length. (function mst_closure.__find_closed_loops)

    • Sort ifgs within each loop based on first date (earlier date first). In case of a tie, we sort based on the second date. We then compute weight of each ifg as the temporal baseline in days. Then we sum the ifg weights in a loop to give the weight of each closure loop (function mst_closure.__add_signs_and_weights_to_loops).

    • Sort the loops based on their weights, and in case of ties, further sort by primary date, and secondary date. (function mst_closure.sort_loops_based_on_weights_and_date)

  2. Discard closure loops when all of the constituent ifgs have already contributed to a number of loops equalling the max_loop_redundancy parameter. (function closure_check.discard_loops_containing_max_ifg_count)

  3. Drop ifgs from further PyRate processing when they are found to not form part of any closed loop. (function closure_check.__drop_ifgs_if_not_part_of_any_loop)

  4. Compute phase closure sums for each pixel (in radians) in all the chosen loops and flag when the resultant absolute sum exceeds the quantity <closure_thr * pi>. The median closure sum across all pixels is subtracted from the closure phase (optional parameter subtract_median, which is on by default). (function sum_closure.__compute_ifgs_breach_count)

  5. Next, ifgs are dropped (removed from the processing list) if the fraction of constituent pixels breaching the closure_thr parameter in all loops the ifg participates in exceeds the parameter ifg_drop_thr, or the ifg does not contribute to a number of loops at least equal to the parameter min_loops_per_ifg. (function closure_check.__drop_ifgs_exceeding_threshold)

  6. Steps 1-5 are repeated iteratively until a stable list of ifgs is returned. The iteration is orchestrated by the function closure_check.iterative_closure_check.

  7. Once a stable list of ifgs is found, a new ifglist is written in the working directory, and used for further PyRate processing.

  8. The final step involves finding pixels in the ifg phase data that breach the closure threshold defined by the closure_thr parameter. Those pixels in breach are masked (changed to NaN value) for those pixels in those ifgs. (function closure_check.mask_pixels_with_unwrapping_errors)

Example usage

To illustrate the PyRate phase closure functionality, we use a small example dataset of 8 Sentinel-1 ifgs which connect 5 common acquisition dates:


The below plots show the ifgs following prepifg:

Ifgs before phase closure correction

Circled in black are some visually obvious unwrapping errors.

In this example, we run the correct step with orbital correction and phase closure correction enabled, and the following parameters:

orbfitmethod:  2
orbfitdegrees: 1
orbfitlksx:    10
orbfitlksy:    10

closure_thr:         0.5
ifg_drop_thr:        0.1
min_loops_per_ifg:   2
max_loop_length:     4
max_loop_redundancy: 2

We get the following log information from iteration #1:

16:40:45 closure_check:126 421776 INFO 0/7 Closure check iteration #1: working on 8 ifgs
16:40:45 closure_check:187 421776 INFO 0/7 Total number of selected closed loops with up to MAX_LOOP_LENGTH = 4 edges is 9
16:40:45 closure_check:202 421776 INFO 0/7 After applying MAX_LOOP_REDUNDANCY = 2 criteria, 8 loops are retained
16:40:52 plot_closure:76 421776 INFO 0/7 8 closure loops plotted in out/phase_closure_dir/closure_loops_iteration_1_fig_0.png
Iteration #1 closure loops

The 8 plotted closure loops from iteration #1 show areas where the closure_thr threshold has been breached as either dark red or dark blue. The previously circled unwrapping errors show up as breached areas in several closure loops.

The ifg_drop_thr parameter is set to 10% in this example. This is enough to detect the largest mis-closed area, which amounts to around 25% of the phase data area spatially. The ifg introducing this mis-closure (20160407-20160513) is dropped and iteration #2 continues:

16:40:52 closure_check:126 421776 INFO 0/7 Closure check iteration #2: working on 7 ifgs
16:40:52 closure_check:187 421776 INFO 0/7 Total number of selected closed loops with up to MAX_LOOP_LENGTH = 4 edges is 5
16:40:52 closure_check:202 421776 INFO 0/7 After applying MAX_LOOP_REDUNDANCY = 2 criteria, 5 loops are retained
16:40:58 plot_closure:76 421776 INFO 0/7 5 closure loops plotted in out/phase_closure_dir/closure_loops_iteration_2_fig_0.png
Iteration #2 closure loops

Now the ifg network is smaller (7 ifgs) and less closure loops (5) are retained. Three smaller breached areas are evident: in the top left, centre bottom and bottom right of the image. The average breached area is now not greater than 10% so no further ifgs are fully dropped and no further iteration is required.

Finally, pixels found to be breaching the closure_thr are masked in ifgs:

Ifgs after phase closure correction

The previously circled unwrapping error in ifg 20160314-20160501 has now been masked, but this spatial area has not been masked in other ifgs. In this case, the algorithm has been successfully able to attribute the source of the unwrapping error to this single ifg. The ability to do this depends on the parameter settings chosen.