API Releases

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-05-13 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150513 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150513 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150513

Changes in this release...

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-05-12 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150512 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150512 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150512

Changes in this release...

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-05-07 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150507 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150507 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150507

Changes in this release...

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-05-05 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150505 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150505 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150505

Changes in this release...

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-04-30 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150430 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150430 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150430

Changes in this release...

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-04-28 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150428 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150428 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150428

Changes in this release...

AGDC API v0.1.0 (2015-04-27 snapshot)

The source code is available on the api branch from the agdc-api-0.1.0-b20150427 tag.

The packaged version is available as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI as agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150427 in both u46 and el8:

$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20150427

Changes in this release...

Packaging an AGDC API Release

The AGDC API is packaged as a loadable module on raijin at the NCI.

The agdc-api module has the following dependencies:

  • python/2.7.6
  • psycopg2
  • gdal
  • enum34
  • luigi-mpi
  • psutil
  • numpy
  • scipy

The first step in building the AGDC API module is to obtain the source code from the AGDC GitHub Repository.

Then do something like the following to build the package:

$ cd source/agdc-api/api

$ MY_MODULE_NAME=agdc-api
$ MY_MODULE_VERSION=0.1.0-b20150430
$ #MY_MODULE_DIR=$HOME/modules
$ #MY_MODULE_DIR=/projects/u46/opt/modules
$ #MY_MODULE_DIR=/projects/el8/opt/modules

$ mkdir -p $MY_MODULE_DIR/$MY_MODULE_NAME/$MY_MODULE_VERSION/lib/python2.7/site-packages


The add a module file:

## agdc-api modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {
        global version

        puts stderr "   This module loads the AGDC API module"
        puts stderr "   Version $version"

set version       0.1.0-b20150430
set name          agdc-api
set base          /projects/u46/opt/modules

module-whatis   "Loads the AGDC API version $version"

if { [ module-info mode load ] } {

    if { ! [is-loaded enum34] } {
        module load enum34

    if { ! [is-loaded gdal] } {
        module load gdal

    if { ! [is-loaded psycopg2] } {
        module load psycopg2

    if { ! [is-loaded python/2.7.6] } {
        module load python/2.7.6

    if { ! [is-loaded luigi-mpi] } {
        module load luigi-mpi

    if { ! [is-loaded psutil] } {
        module load psutil

    if { ! [is-loaded numpy] } {
        module load numpy

    if { ! [is-loaded scipy] } {
        module load scipy

    prepend-path        PYTHONPATH $base/$name/$version/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    prepend-path        PATH $base/$name/$version/bin

if { [ module-info mode remove ] } {
    remove-path PYTHONPATH $base/$name/$version/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    remove-path PATH $base/$name/$version/bin
    module unload enum34
    module unload gdal
    module unload psycopg2
    module unload python/2.7.6
    module unload luigi-mpi
    module unload psutil
    module unload numpy
    module unload scipy

Indices and tables