Evaluation ========== TCRM provides functionality to evaluate the performance of the track model over the model domain through the :mod:`Evaluate` module. By running a number of simulations, each generating a similar number of years of events to the input track database, we can compare the synthetic events with the observations. Metrics include track density, genesis distribution, minimum pressure distributions, landfall rates and longitude crossing rates. Setup ----- An example configuration for executing an evaluation. Other sections of the configuration file should remain unchanged. :: [Actions] DataProcess=True ExecuteStat=True ExecuteTrackGenerator=True ExecuteWindfield=False ExecuteHazard=False PlotHazard=False PlotData=False ExecuteEvaluate=True DownloadData=True [Input] LandMask=input/landmask.nc MSLPFile=MSLP/slp.day.ltm.nc CoastlineGates=input/gates.txt [TrackGenerator] NumSimulations=500 YearsPerSimulation=30 NumTimeSteps=360 TimeStep=1.0 SeasonSeed=1 TrackSeed=1 Note that the ``YearsPerSimulation`` option is now set to 30, so TCRM will generate 500 event sets, each with the equivalent of 30 years of TCs. The annual frequency of events is based on a Poisson distribution around the mean annual frequency, which is determined from the input track database. A csv-format file containing a set of gates around the coastline is required for :mod:`Evaluate.landfallRates`. Gates are defined as a series of points around the coastline in number, longitude, latitude format. Below are the first 15 points in the sample gates provided in the code base. :: 0.00, 114.78, -34.70 1.00, 115.20, -32.95 2.00, 114.90, -31.17 3.00, 114.49, -29.42 4.00, 113.66, -27.83 5.00, 112.73, -26.28 6.00, 112.96, -24.50 7.00, 113.22, -22.72 8.00, 114.47, -21.43 9.00, 115.98, -20.44 10.00, 117.74, -20.08 11.00, 119.46, -19.55 12.00, 121.12, -18.84 13.00, 121.74, -17.15 14.00, 123.04, -15.91 15.00, 124.49, -14.85 Output ------ The :mod:`Evaluate` module generates a set of figures that compare the synthetic event set to the input track database. For the synthetic events, the module calculates a mean value and upper and lower percentiles of the distribution (commonly the 5th and 95th percentile values). Some of the results are also saved to netCDF files (track density, pressure distributions and longitude crossing rates) for users to import into other graphics packages.