An Example ========== Input ----- **Input DEM:** jerram_dem: Esri Grid format, MGA 50, 25 m resolution. See :numref:`dem_input` The input DEM is located under the **examples\\input** folder. .. _dem_input: .. figure:: /docs/images/dem_example.jpg :align: center :alt: Example DEM data at Jerramungup, WA. :figclass: align-center Example DEM data at Jerramungup, WA. **Input vegetation:** jerram_veg: Esri Grid format, GDA 1994 Australia Albers, 100 m resolution. See :numref:`veg_input`. The input vegetation dataset is located under the **examples\\input** folder. .. _veg_input: .. figure:: /docs/images/veg_example.jpg :align: center :alt: Example vegetation data at Jerramungup, WA. :figclass: align-center Example vegetation data at Jerramungup, WA. **Input vegetation reclassification map:** There are many classes in the original vegetation. To derive the target vegetation classes described in the Standard (1: Forest, 2: Woodland, 3: Shrubland, 4: Scrub, 5: Mallee/Mulga, 6: Rainforest, 7: Grassland/Tussock moorland.), the remap string is defined as: "1 6;2 1;3 1;4 1;5 13 2;14 5;15 18 3;19 22 7;23 4;24 25 NODATA;26 4;27 28 NODATA;29 4;30 1;31 2;32 5;99 NODATA". **Output path:** The example output path is C:\\github\\bal\\examples\\output. **FDI value:** Default value 80 is selected. **Extent:** Default is selected. After all input parameters are defined, the fields in the BAL calculation window are all populated. See :numref:`example_bal_calc`. .. _example_bal_calc: .. figure:: /docs/images/example_BAL_calculation.jpg :align: center :alt: Example input parameters within BAL calculation window. :figclass: align-center Figure 6.3 Example input parameters within BAL calculation window. Process ------- After clicking the **OK** button in the above window, the calculation starts running with the progress displayed in a pop-up window. When it finishes successfully, the pop-up window looks like :numref:`example_process`. .. _example_process: .. figure:: /docs/images/example_process.jpg :align: center :alt: Example pop-up window when the calculation finishes. :figclass: align-center Example pop-up window when the calculation finishes. Output ------ Nine rasters are produced under C:\\github\\bal\\examples\\output. :numref:`bal_max` displays the maximum BAL raster file named as bal_max.img for this example. .. _bal_max: .. figure:: /docs/images/bal_max.jpg :align: center :alt: Example output BAL at Jerramungup, WA. :figclass: align-center Example output BAL at Jerramungup, WA.