.. _writing_documentation: Writing Documentation ===================== The documentation for |project_name| is written using ReSTructured text (.rst) and the Sphinx documentation builder. The best way to learn how to write .rst is to look at the source of existing documentation - the markup syntax is very simple. There are a number of useful tags that you can use to make your documentation clear and visually interesting, those more commonly used in this document are listed below. For a more detailed list, please visit the `Sphinx Inline Markup page `_. A complete list of supported .rst markup is also available `here `_. Here are a few tips for documentation writers: 1. Try to not write more than **80 Characters in one line**. That makes the documentation much easier to maintain. #. Try to create a reference anchor for at least every new heading (page). If it is useful and important you might also want to put anchors on subheadings. #. Try to avoid duplicate target names (anchors). Always use unique identifiers. If you are not sure - the longer the name the more unlikely it is already used. #. Try to use underscores (_) in filenames and links (anchors) as a separator. #. Try to use dashes (-) in directory names as a separator. #. Try to avoid using tables wherever possible. Only use tables if there is really no other way to display the documentation. #. If you have to use tables try to avoid using TABS in favour of SPACES. TABS only confuse the computer while building documentation and leads to unnecessary errors. .. _common_tags: Common tags used in the Documentation: -------------------------------------- Here are some useful tags :: |project_name| is currently a substitution for the Project name (Bushfire Attack Level) Normally, there are no heading levels assigned to certain characters as the structure is determined from the succession of headings. However, for the Python documentation, this convention is used, which you may follow: # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters First two are normaly not used as we usually start with a section. =, for sections -, for subsections ^, for subsubsections ", for paragraphs Section ======= SubSection ---------- Subsubsection ............. Subsubsubsection (if needed) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **bold** *italics* `web link`_ Link to a named external reference :ref:`my-reference-label` points to a reference which has to be implemented like: .. _my-reference-label: The anchor for the :ref: needs to be in front of a Section. Section to cross-reference Like it is here. -------------------------- :ref:`title ` Same as above except using the Title and not the referenced headline. :doc:`../user-docs/filename` referencing an internal file :samp:`flood [m]` A piece of literal text, such as code. :menuselection:`Plugins --> Manage Plugins` This is used to mark a complete sequence of menu selections, including selecting submenus. :guilabel:`OK` Labels presented as part of an interactive user interface should be marked using guilabel. :kbd:`Control-x Control-f` Mark a sequence of keystrokes. :command:`rm` (The name of an OS-level command, such as rm.) :file:`/etc/fstab` to change something .. note:: Note in a little call out box .. todo:: Todo item in a call out box .. warning:: Much like Note but clearly visible There are more markers available: .. attention:: .. caution:: .. danger:: .. error:: .. hint:: .. important:: .. tip:: .. table:: table title ============ ================ Key Allowed Values ============ ================ units m units wet/dry units feet ============ ================ +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Symbol | Meaning | +=======================+=======================+ | .. image:: tent.* | Campground | +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | .. image:: waves.* | Lake | +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | .. image:: peak.* | Mountain | +-----------------------+-----------------------+ figure and images are easily exchangeable when using * instead of jpg or png. In that way the Pictures can be exchanged to a new format without changing the source code. .. figure:: picture.* :scale: 50 % :alt: map to buried treasure :figwidth: lenght or percentage of current line width :figclass: text This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph). .. image:: /static/tutorial/001.* :height: 100 px :width: 200 pt :scale: 50 % :alt: alternate text :align: center remark: use pt instead of px because of latex output * A4 = height ~ 1000pt * A4 = width ~ 700pt Help writing/fixing documentation --------------------------------- Helping to write the documentation is an easy task. The only thing you need to have is a local copy of the |project_name| documentation branch. Clone |project_name| documentation .................................. .. note:: This is a one-time process. You do not need to repeat it - it is here for reference purposes only. In order to help with documentation, you need: * A GitHub account * A fork of the BAL repository (only if you do not have commit access to the main repository) Creating a GitHub account is done by clicking on the :guilabel:`Sign up for free` button on https://github.com/ and filling out the necessary fields. Cloning the documentation of |project_name| is easy; you only have to follow this procedure: Clone your forked github |project_name| documentation by entering following command:: $ git clone https://github.com//bal.git Search for the .rst file you'd like to extend/fix and work on it. Afterwards commit your local changes to your local clone with the command:: $ git commit -a -m "fixed a typo" After that you have to push your local changes to your github fork with:: $ git push You can then do a pull request on github to request your changes be reviewed and added into the official documentation.