This Model - the FSDF Supermodel - is the Location Index (Loc-I) Projects's overarching data model that provides integration logic for all FSDF elements.

This work is part of a project to operationalise Loc-I for Geoscience Australia initially undertaken by SURROUND Australia Pty Ltd.

Specification document

This model’s document is auto-built from source files within the FSDF Supermodel repository. Both the document and source files are viewable online.

The Specification document:

The Repository:

The online and repository location will certainly change once this model is taken over by Geoscience Australia itself for continued use.

License & Rights

The contents of this repository is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International. See the LICENSE file in the repository for details.


Official enquiries should be directed to:

Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
General Enquiries: 1800 800 173,
Switchboard: +61 2 6249 9111

Technical development of this work was undertaken by the following, for Geoscience Australia, so technical enquiries may be directed here:

Nicholas J. Car
Data Architect
initially of SURROUND Australia Pty Ltd.,
currently of Kurrawong AI
+61477 560 177