void | propLinear (double dt, string &id, GTime time, Vector3d &r, Vector3d &v, Vector4d &q, const Vector3d &gyroScale, const Vector3d &acclScale, const Vector3d &gyroBias, const Vector3d &acclBias) |
void | integrateInertials (InertialIntegrator &inertialPropagator, Inertials &inertials, double integrationPeriod, double dtRequested) |
KFState | getInertialFromState (Trace &trace, string str, const KFState &kfState) |
| Get the estimated elements for a single satellite's orbit.
Inertials | prepareInertials (Trace &trace, const KFState &kfState) |
void | applyInertials (Trace &trace, Inertials &inertials, const KFState &kfState, GTime time, double tgap) |
| Apply the prediction using the filter's state transition.
void | predictInertials (Trace &trace, const KFState &kfState, GTime time) |
| Use models to predict orbital motion and prepare state transition equations to implement those predictions in the filter.