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Geph Struct Reference

GLONASS broadcast ephemeris. More...

Detailed Description

GLONASS broadcast ephemeris.

Inheritance diagram for Geph:
Collaboration diagram for Geph:

Data Fields

E_NavMsgType type = E_NavMsgType::NONE
 message type
SatSys Sat
 satellite number
int iode = -1
 IODE (0-6 bit of tb field)
int frq
 satellite frequency number
E_Svh svh
 satellite health
int sva
 satellite accuracy
int age
 age of operation
GTime toe
 epoch of epherides (gpst)
GTime tof
 message frame time (gpst)
Vector3d pos
 satellite position (ecef) (m)
Vector3d vel
 satellite velocity (ecef) (m/s)
Vector3d acc
 satellite acceleration (ecef) (m/s^2)
double taun
 SV clock bias (s)
double gammaN
 SV relative freq bias.
double dtaun
 delay between L1 and L2 (s)
double tofs
 TOF (s) within the current day.
int tk_hour
 number of hours of TOF
int tk_min
 number of minutes of TOF
double tk_sec
 seconds of TOF
int tb
 number of 15 min of TOE
int glonassM
 type of GLO satellites
int NT
 calender number of day within 4-year interval
bool moreData
 availability of additional data
int N4
 4-year interval number

Field Documentation

◆ acc

Vector3d Geph::acc

satellite acceleration (ecef) (m/s^2)

◆ age

int Geph::age

age of operation

◆ dtaun

double Geph::dtaun

delay between L1 and L2 (s)

◆ frq

int Geph::frq

satellite frequency number

◆ gammaN

double Geph::gammaN

SV relative freq bias.

◆ glonassM

int Geph::glonassM

type of GLO satellites

◆ iode

int Geph::iode = -1

IODE (0-6 bit of tb field)

◆ moreData

bool Geph::moreData

availability of additional data

◆ N4

int Geph::N4

4-year interval number

◆ NT

int Geph::NT

calender number of day within 4-year interval

◆ pos

Vector3d Geph::pos

satellite position (ecef) (m)

◆ Sat

SatSys Geph::Sat

satellite number

◆ sva

int Geph::sva

satellite accuracy

◆ svh

E_Svh Geph::svh

satellite health

◆ taun

double Geph::taun

SV clock bias (s)

◆ tb

int Geph::tb

number of 15 min of TOE

◆ tk_hour

int Geph::tk_hour

number of hours of TOF

◆ tk_min

int Geph::tk_min

number of minutes of TOF

◆ tk_sec

double Geph::tk_sec

seconds of TOF

◆ toe

GTime Geph::toe

epoch of epherides (gpst)

◆ tof

GTime Geph::tof

message frame time (gpst)

◆ tofs

double Geph::tofs

TOF (s) within the current day.

◆ type

E_NavMsgType Geph::type = E_NavMsgType::NONE

message type

◆ vel

Vector3d Geph::vel

satellite velocity (ecef) (m/s)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: