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Seph Struct Reference

SBAS ephemeris. More...

Detailed Description

SBAS ephemeris.

Inheritance diagram for Seph:
Collaboration diagram for Seph:

Data Fields

E_NavMsgType type = E_NavMsgType::NONE
 message type
SatSys Sat
 satellite number
GTime t0
 reference epoch time (GPST)
GTime tof
 time of message frame (GPST)
int sva
 SV accuracy (URA index)
E_Svh svh
 SV health.
VectorEcef pos
 satellite position (m) (ecef)
VectorEcef vel
 satellite velocity (m/s) (ecef)
VectorEcef acc
 satellite acceleration (m/s^2) (ecef)
double af0 = 0
 satellite clock-offset/drift (s)
double af1 = 0
 satellite clock-drift (s/s)
int iode = -1
GTime toe
double tofs
 TOF (s) within the week.

Field Documentation

◆ acc

VectorEcef Seph::acc

satellite acceleration (m/s^2) (ecef)

◆ af0

double Seph::af0 = 0

satellite clock-offset/drift (s)

◆ af1

double Seph::af1 = 0

satellite clock-drift (s/s)

◆ iode

int Seph::iode = -1

◆ pos

VectorEcef Seph::pos

satellite position (m) (ecef)

◆ Sat

SatSys Seph::Sat

satellite number

◆ sva

int Seph::sva

SV accuracy (URA index)

◆ svh

E_Svh Seph::svh

SV health.

◆ t0

GTime Seph::t0

reference epoch time (GPST)

◆ toe

GTime Seph::toe

◆ tof

GTime Seph::tof

time of message frame (GPST)

◆ tofs

double Seph::tofs

TOF (s) within the week.

◆ type

E_NavMsgType Seph::type = E_NavMsgType::NONE

message type

◆ vel

VectorEcef Seph::vel

satellite velocity (m/s) (ecef)

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