4 Installation and Usage

SIRA is built on Python 3.x. Python hardware requirements are fairly minimal. Most modern systems based on x86 architecture should be able to run this software.

The directory structure of the code is as follows:

├── docs                        <-- Sphinx documentation files
│   └── source
├── hazard                      <-- Hazard scenario files (for networks)
├── installation                <-- Installation scripts for dev envs
├── scripts
├── sira                        <-- The core code reside here
│   └── modelling
├── tests                       <-- Test scripts + data for sanity checks
│   ├── historical_data
│   ├── models
│   └── simulation_setup
├── LICENSE                      <-- License file
├── README.md                    <-- Summary documentation
├── __main__.py                  <-- Entry point for running the code
└── README.adoc                  <-- Basic documentation and installation notes

4.1 Requirements

SIRA has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • OS X 10.11+

  • Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)

  • Windows 10

The code should work on other recent versions of these operating systems, though the environment setup process may have some differences. Windows systems that are not based on the NT-platform are not supported. This restriction is due to the fact that from version 2.6 onwards Python has not supported non-NT Windows platforms.

You will need to install Graphviz, which is used by networkx and pygraphviz packages to draw the system diagram. Please visit: https://www.graphviz.org/ and download the appropriate version for your operating system. Follow the posted download instructions carefully. After installation you may need to update the PATH variable with the location of the Graphviz binaries.

For windows systems you will need to have a C++ Compiler. The recommended option for Python 3.5+ is the free full-featured community edition of Visual Studio 2015.

4.2 AWS and Docker

The development of the Web interface to provide the ability to create component types and models led to the usage of Docker and AWS. Docker creates containers that provide independence of platforms when developing applications and services. So Docker removes the requirement for Conda to organise the Python libraries. The downside of using docker in our environment (GA Sysmonston) is that network security makes running Docker difficult. So development environments are easier to create and use on AWS. Use of AWS for Web applications is the current direction for GA.

4.2.1 Installation of SIRA on AWS with Docker

This requires building an AWS instance and then building the environments using Docker.

Create AWS Instance using Packer:
We’re we come from, if we don’t have a laptop handy, we like to use AWS for provisioning dev machines. A basic dev box can be setup using Packer, by running:

$ packer build build.json

in the current directory.

Create AWS Instance using bash script:
The top level directory of SIRA has the script create-aws-instance.sh The script requires the aws command line interface to be installed on the machine. It also requires access to AWS account credentials.

The script is run as:

$ create-aws-instance.sh

Both of these commands will use the build_sira_box.sh to install Linux updates and the docker components that will be required.

It then clones the SIRA github repository, from the master branch. Docker is then used to build the SIRA environment.

4.2.2 Using Docker

If you have Docker installed, you can build a container for working with sira by running the command:

$ docker build -t sira .

The primary advantage of working with docker is that you do not have to worry about setting up the python environment, which is done when building the container and isolated from your own environment.

To run an interactive container you can use:

$ docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/sira" --name sira s

This will give you a terminal inside the container in which you can execute commands. Inside the container you can find the current directory mapped at /sira. You can modify files either within the container or the host and the changes will be available in both.

Alternatively, you might want a container running in the background which you can execute commands at using docker exec. In this case you would start the container with:

$ docker run -id -v "$(pwd):/sira" --name sira sira

One could then, for example, run the unit tests for the modelling package with:

$ cd sira/tests
$ python -m unittest discover .

In any case, once you are done you should destroy the container with:

$ docker kill sira
$ docker rm sira

or, if your too lazy to type two lines, use this command:

$ docker rm -f sira

Several other containers are provided to help with development. These are defined in the other Dockerfiles in the present directory, and are:

  • Dockerfile-api:
    Provides a web API which is used for parameterising model components (at this stage just response functions) and serialising them. This is presently (at Feb 2018) a prototype and provides only a small subset of what we hope for.

  • Dockerfile-gui-dev:
    Provides an Angular2 application for defining model components built on top of the API mentioned above. The application is hosted using Angular’s development server and can be accessed on localhost:4200.

  • Dockerfile-gui-prod:
    For deploying the web application in production. This does a production build of the Angular project and hosts it using busybox. The app is still exposed on port 4200, so to host it at port 80 one would start it with:

    $ docker build -t sira-gui -f Dockerfile-gui-prod .

and start it with (for example):

$ docker run -d -p 80:4200 --restart always sira-gui-prod

4.2.3 Docker Compose

By far the easiest way to run the system for development is with docker-compose, which can be done with:

$ docker-compose up

Assuming that you start the system this way in the current folder, you can:

  • attach to the sifa image to run models and tests with:
    $ docker attach sira_sira_1

  • access the GUI for defining fragility functions at:
    http://localhost:4200, and

  • access the web API at:

This method will allow both the API and GUI to stay in sync with your code.

You can tear the system down (destroying the containers) with:

$ docker-compose down

4.3 Setting Up a Development Environment with Anaconda

We recommend using conda for managing virtual environments and packages required for running sira.

For the sake of simplicity, we recommend using Anaconda. It is a free Python distribution, and comes with the conda tool which is both a package manager and environment manager. Instructions for installing Anaconda are here.

Some packages we need are not hosted in the main conda package repository. In such cases we will host them in our own user channel. We suggest adding the following channels to the default:

$ conda config --add channels https://conda.anaconda.org/anaconda
$ conda config --add channels https://conda.anaconda.org/marufr

Run the following command to confirm the additional channels have been added:

$ conda config --get channels

For OS X and Linux-64 systems: It should be possible to set up a full run environment solely through the *.yml environment specification file. For OS X run the following commands:

$ conda env create -f environment_osx.yml
$ source activate sira_env

For Linux-64 systems, the commands are identical, you will just need to use the environment specification file for Linux.

For Windows systems, a similar process needs to be followed, with some exceptions. First run:

$ conda env create -f environment_win64.yml
$ activate sira_env

This will install most requirements except for igraph and pygraphviz. Compiling these packages under windows can be very challenging. The simplest and most reliable option is to download the the appropriate binary distribution in the form of wheels from Christoph Gohlke’s unofficial page of Windows binaries.

Download the appropriate wheels (*.whl files) of the following packages for your Windows platform (32 or 64 bit):

Install the downloaded wheels (*.whl files) with pip:

$ pip install <pkg_name>.whl

4.4 Running a Simulation with SIRA

The code needs a simulation setup file and an infrastructure model file to run a simulation, as discussed in Simulation and Model Setup.

For the purposes of discussion, it is assumed that the name of the project simulation directory is ‘PROJECT_HAN’, located in the root directory. The system name assumed is ‘SYSTEM_GISKARD’.

The software can be run from the command line using these simple steps:

  1. Open a command terminal

  2. Change to the directory that has the sira code. Assuming the code is in the directorty /Users/user_x/sira, run:

    $ cd ~/sira/
  3. Run the primary system fragility characterisation module from the command line using the following command:

    $ python sira -d ./PROJECT_HAN/SYSTEM_GISKARD/ -s

The code must be provided the full or relative path to the project directorty that holds the input dir with the required config and model files.

The post-processing tools are run as simple python scripts. It should be noted, that the post-processing tools depend on the outputs produced by a full simulation run that characterises the system fragility. Therefore, the full run of the SIRA needs to be conducted on the system model of interest prior to running the tools for the loss scenario and restoration analysis tools.

To run the post-simulation analysis on the generated output data, we need to supply the flaf -f for model fitting, and the flag -l for loss analysis. The flags can be combined.

To run the characterisation simulation, followed by model fitting, and loss and recovery analysis, the command is:

$ python sira -d ./PROJECT_HAN/SYSTEM_DANEEL/ -sfl

4.5 Running Code Tests

To run tests use unittest. The tests need to be run from the root of the sira code directory:

$ cd sira   # and not $ cd sira/sira
$ python -m unittest discover tests

If you are using docker as described above, you can do this within the sira container.