PressureInterface package

Module contents


PressureInterface.pressureProfile module

pressureProfile – radial pressure profile for a TC

The available wind profiles are: Rankine vortex - undefined! Jelesnianski - undefined! Holland (with cubic core) Schloemer (just the Holland with beta = 1) Willoughby and Rahn (Holland with beta = beta(vmax, rmax, latitude)) McConochie et al. (double exponential profile) Powell et al. (Holland with beta = beta(rmax, latitude))

SeeAlso: Constraints: Version: $Rev: 810 $

References: Holland, G.J., 1980: An Analytic model of the Wind and Pressure Profiles in Hurricanes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1212-1218. Jelesnianski, C.P., 1966: Numerical Computations of Storm Surges without Bottom Stress. Mon. Wea. Rev., 94(6), 379-394 McConochie, J.D., T.A. Hardy and L.B. Mason, 2004: Modelling tropical cyclone over-water wind and pressure fields. Ocean Engineering, 31, 1757-1782 Powell, M., G. Soukup, S. Cocke, S. Gulati, N. Morrisuea-Leroy, S. Hamid, N. Dorst and L. Axe, 2005: State of Florida hurricane loss projection model: Atmospheric science component. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 93 (8), 651-674 Schloemer, R.W., 1954: Analysis and synthesis of hurricane wind patterns over Lake Okeechobee. NOAA Hydromet. Rep. 31, 49 pp. Willoughby, H.E. and M.E. Rahn, 2004: Parametric Representation of the Primary Hurricane Vortex. Part I: Observations and Evaluation of the Holland (1980) Model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 3033-3048

$Id: 810 2012-02-21 07:52:50Z nsummons $

class PrsProfile(R, pEnv, pCentre, rMax, cLat, cLon, beta=1.3, rMax2=250.0, beta1=None, beta2=None)

Bases: object

Description: Define the radial wind profiles used in tropical cyclone modelling. These are radial profiles only and do not include asymmetries that arise due to the forward motion of the storm.


R: grid of distances from the storm centre (distances in km) pEnv: Environmental pressure (Pa) pCentre: Central pressure of storm (Pa) rMax: Radius of maximum winds (km) cLat: Latitude of storm centre cLon: Longitude of storm centre beta: Holland beta parameter


R: grid of distances from the storm centre (distances in km) pEnv: Environmental pressure (Pa) pCentre: Central pressure of storm (Pa) rMax: Radius of maximum winds (km) cLat: Latitude of storm centre cLon: Longitude of storm centre beta: Holland beta parameter


(rankine: Rankine vortex) (jelesnianski: Jelesnianski’s storm surge model wind field) holland: Holland’s radial wind field willoughby: Holland profile with beta a function of vMax, rMax

and cLat

schloemer: Holland profile with beta==1 doubleHolland: McConochie’s double vortex model

Internal Methods:



McConochie et al’s double Holland vortex model (based on Cardone et al, 1994). This application is the Coral Sea adaptation of the double vortex model (it can also be used for concentric eye-wall configurations). The tunable parameters in this relation are ‘dp1’, ‘dp2’, ‘b1’, ‘b2’ and ‘rMax2’


Holland profile.


Powell et al, 2005 Another definition of the B parameter inserted into the Holland model. Unlike Willoughby and Rahn’s model, there is no reliance on vMax. Powell et al. also included a small random term, but since the beta value is also used in the vorticity calculation, we need to ensure the values used in this function and the corresponding vorticity function match.


Schloemer’s (1954) is the same as the Holland relation with beta = 1


The Willoughby & Rahn (2004) relation, which makes beta a function of Vmax, rMax and latitude. We use Willoughby & Rahn’s (2004) relation for Vmax only. This determines the beta parameter then calls Holland (which means the profile is cubic within Rmax) to calculate the wind profile. The beta term calculation is based on Atlantic and Eastern Pacific cyclone data, not Australian data.