Utilities package

Module contents


Utilities.Intersections module

Intersections – determine line intersections for polygons and lines

class Crossings

Bases: object

Determine if a a line intersects some other geometric feature (another line, a circle, a polygon).

CircleLine(c, r, a1, a2)

Determine the intersection points of a circle and a line segment.

  • cPoint object describing the centre of the circle.

  • r – Eadius of the circle in map units.

  • a1Point object describing the start of the line segment.

  • a2Point object describing the end of the line segment.


Intersection object with the Intersection.status updated. “Inside” means the line segment is wholly contained within the circle; “Outside” means the line segment is wholly outside the circle; “Intersection” means the line intersects the circle. In this final case, the points attribute of the Intersection object is populated with a Point object of the location of the intersection.

CirclePolygon(c, r, points)

Determine the intersection points of a circle and a polygon. Uses Crossings.CircleLine() on each line segment in the polygon to determine if the two features intersect.

  • cPoint representing the centre of the circle.

  • r – Radius of the circle in map units.

Paran points

Array of Point objects representing the polygon.


Intersection object with updated status and points attributes.

LineLine(a1, a2, b1, b2)

Determine if two line segments intersect.

  • a1 – Starting Point of line 1.

  • a2 – Ending Point of line 1.

  • b1 – Starting Point of line 2.

  • b2 – Ending Point of line 2.


Intersection object with status set to Intersection if the lines intersect, Coincident if the lines overlap, Parallel if the lines are parallel or No Intersection if the lines do not intersect. If the lines intersect, then the points attribute is set to the location of the intersection.

LinePolygon(a1, a2, points)

Determine if a line intersects a polygon.

  • a1 – Starting Point of the line.

  • a2 – Ending Point of the line.

  • points – Collection of Point objects that represent the vertices of a polygon.

lerp(a1, a2, u)

Linear interpolation between two points:

  • a1 – First Point.

  • a2 – Second Point.

  • u – Fractional distance along the line between the two points.


Coordinates of the interpolated point as a tuple.

class Intersection(state=None)

Bases: object

An Intersection object.


state (str) – Initial state of the Intersection (default None).

Parameters: None Members: status (string) and points (list) Methods: None Internal Methods: None

class Point(x, y)

Bases: object

Class representation for a Point Contains x and y members Created by Geoff Xu, 2006

convert2vertex(a1, a2)

Converts 2 1D arrays into a list of Points.

  • a1 – ordinate

  • a2 – abscissa


List of Point objects.

inLand(P, V)

Test to see if a point is within the list of vertices.

  • PPoint object.

  • V – List of Point objects that represent vertices of the shape to be tested. Must be a closed set.


True if the point lies inside the vertices, False otherwise.

Return type


Utilities.colours module

colours - add custom colour scales

Utilities.columns module

columns – load delimited data files

colReadCSV(configFile, dataFile, source)

Loads a csv file containing ‘column’ data into a record (numpy) array with columns labelled by ‘fields’. There must be a section in the configFile named source that sets out the format of the data file.

  • configFile (str) – Path to a configuration file that holds details of the input data.

  • dataFile (str) – Path to the input file to load.

  • source (str) – Name of the source format. There must be a corresponding section in the configFile.


A numpy.ndarray that contains the input data.

Utilities.config module

config – reading configuration files

cnfGetIniValue(configFile, section, option, default=None)

Helper function to interface with code that uses the old config parser.

  • configFile (str) – path to the configuration file to read.

  • section (str) – Section name to read.

  • option (str) – Option name to read.

  • default – Optional default value to use if the section/option pair is not present in the file.


Value recorded in the section/option of the config file, if present; the default value otherwise (if defined).


NoSectionError, NoOptionError – if the section/option is not defined, and no default value given.


Convert a list into a comma-joined string.


lst (list) – Input list to join.


A string comprised of the list elements joined by commas.

Return type



Parser for boolean options


txt (str) – String from config file to parse.


True if the string is ‘True’, False otherwise.

Return type



Parse a comma-separated line into a list.


txt (str) – String from config file to parse.


List, based on the input string.

Return type



Re-instantiate ConfigParser (only for use in tests)

Utilities.confjson module

class StrictConfigParser(defaults=None, dict_type=<class 'collections.OrderedDict'>, allow_no_value=False, *, delimiters=('=', ':'), comment_prefixes=('#', ';'), inline_comment_prefixes=None, strict=True, empty_lines_in_values=True, default_section='DEFAULT', interpolation=<object object>, converters=<object object>)

Bases: configparser.ConfigParser

dget(section, option, default=None, type=<class 'str'>)

Utilities.convolve module

convolve – convolve two 2-d fields

convolve(im, direction, mtype='terrain', res=25.0, height=5.0)

Smooth a 2D array im by convolving with a kernel of size n.

  • im (numpy.ndarray) – 2-d array of values to be smoothed.

  • dir (str) – One of ‘N’,’NE’,’E’,’SE’,’S’,’SW’,’W’,’NW’ to define the direction of the site multiplier to evaluate.

  • mtype (str) – Model type = either “terrain” or “shield”.

  • res (float) – Resolution of the input grid dataset.

  • height (float) – nominal height of the buildings to be used in evaluating the shielding multiplier.


2-d array of convolved data (convolved with the appropriate kernel). The output array is the same size as the input array, with boundary values set to be filled to a value of 1.0

Return type


getKernel(d, mtype, res=25.0, height=5.0)

Define an appropriate kernel for smoothing the data

  • d (str) – Wind direction - one of [‘N’,’NE’,’E’,’SE’,’S’,’SW’,’W’,’NW’]

  • m (str) – Multiplier type - either ‘terrain’ or ‘shield’

  • res (float) – Resolution of the dataset (in metres) (default is 25)

  • height (float) – Nominal height of buildings, for use in evaluating the shielding multiplier (default is 5)


kernel to apply to the raw multiplier values to generate directional multiplier values.

Return type

2-d numpy.ndarray

Utilities.datasets module

datasets – manage downloaded datasets

class DataSet(name, url, path, filename=None)

Bases: object

Download a dataset from a url, store in a specified path with a given filename.

  • name (str) – Name of the dataset to be downloaded.

  • url (str) – URL of the dataset.

  • path (str) – path name for the storage location of the dataset

  • filename (str or None) – name of the file to be saved (can be different from the name of the dataset).


Execute the download of the dataset. If the dataset has already been downloaded (the isDownloaded will be set to True), then don’t try to download.


callback (function) – Callback function (for reporting status to STDOUT).


IOError – Unable to download the dataset.


Determine if a file has already been downloaded


True if the file exists, False otherwise.


Check the DATASETS list and download each, if it has not previously been downoladed.


callback (function) – Callback function (for reporting status to STDOUT).


Load the details of the datasets to be downloaded from the configuration settings. This updates the DATASETS list.

Utilities.files module

exception WindowsError

Bases: OSError

flConfigFile(extension='.ini', prefix='', level=None)

Build a configuration filename (default extension .ini) based on the name and path of the function/module calling this function. Can also be useful for setting log file names automatically. If prefix is passed, this is preprended to the filename.

  • extension (str) – file extension to use (default ‘.ini’). The period (‘.’) must be included.

  • prefix (str) – Optional prefix to the filename (default ‘’).

  • level – Optional level in the stack of the main script (default = maximum level in the stack).


Full path of calling function/module, with the source file’s extension replaced with extension, and optionally prefix inserted after the last path separator.

Example: configFile = flConfigFile(‘.ini’) Calling flConfigFile from /foo/bar/baz.py should return /foo/bar/baz.ini

flGetStat(filename, CHUNK=65536)

Get basic statistics of filename - namely directory, name (excluding base path), md5sum and the last modified date. Useful for checking if a file has previously been processed.

  • filename (str) – Filename to check.

  • CHUNK (int) – (optional) chunk size (for md5sum calculation).


path, name, md5sum, modification date for the file.

  • TypeError – if the input file is not a string.

  • IOError – if the file is not a valid file, or if the file cannot be opened.

Example: dir, name, md5sum, moddate = flGetStat(filename)

flLoadFile(filename, comments='%', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)

Load a delimited text file – uses numpy.genfromtxt()

  • filename (file or str) – File, filename, or generator to read

  • comments (str, optional) – (default ‘%’) indicator

  • delimiter (str, int or sequence, optional) – The string used to separate values.


Log the error messages normally reported in a traceback so that all error messages can be caught, then exit. The input ‘tblines’ is created by calling traceback.format_exc().splitlines().


tblines (list) – List of lines from the traceback.

flModDate(filename, dateformat='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

Return the last modified date of the input file

  • filename (str) – file name (full path).

  • dateformat (str) – Format string for the date (default ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’)


File modification date/time as a string

Return type


Example: modDate = flModDate( ‘C:/foo/bar.csv’ , dateformat=’%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S’ )


Get the name of the module <level> levels above this function


level (int) – Level in the stack of the module calling this function (default = 1, function calling flModuleName)


Module name.

Return type


Example: mymodule = flModuleName( ) Calling flModuleName() from “/foo/bar/baz.py” returns “baz”


Get the path of the module <level> levels above this function


level (int) – level in the stack of the module calling this function (default = 1, function calling flModulePath)


path, basename and extension of the file containing the module

Example: path, base, ext = flModulePath( ) Calling flModulePath() from “/foo/bar/baz.py” produces the result “/foo/bar”, “baz”, “.py”


Return the __version__ string from the top-level program, where defined.

If it is not defined, return an empty string.


level (int) – level in the stack of the main script (default = maximum level in the stack)


version string (defined as the __version__ global variable)

flSaveFile(filename, data, header='', delimiter=',', fmt='%.18e')

Save data to a file.

Does some basic checks to ensure the path exists before attempting to write the file. Uses numpy.savetxt to save the data.

  • filename (str) – Path to the destination file.

  • data – Array data to be written to file.

  • header (str) – Column headers (optional).

  • delimiter (str) – Field delimiter (default ‘,’).

  • fmt (str) – Format statement for writing the data.


Return the size of the input file in bytes


filename (str) – Full path to the file.


File size in bytes.

Return type


Example: file_size = flSize( ‘C:/foo/bar.csv’ )

flStartLog(logFile, logLevel, verbose=False, datestamp=False, newlog=True)

Start logging to logFile all messages of logLevel and higher. Setting verbose=True will report all messages to STDOUT as well.

  • logFile (str) – Full path to log file.

  • logLevel (str) – String specifiying one of the standard Python logging levels (‘NOTSET’,’DEBUG’,’INFO’,’WARNING’,’ERROR’, ‘CRITICAL’)

  • verbose (boolean) – True will echo all logging calls to STDOUT

  • datestamp (boolean) – True will include a timestamp of the creation time in the filename.

  • newlog (boolean) – True will create a new log file each time this function is called. False will append to the existing file.


logging.logger object.

Example: flStartLog(‘/home/user/log/app.log’, ‘INFO’, verbose=True)

Utilities.grid module

grid – read, write and sample ascii grid files

Provide functions to read, write and sample ascii grid files. The ascii files are assumend to have and ArcGIS GIRD format:

ncols        nx
nrows        ny
xllcorner    xll
yllcorner    yll
cellsize     dx
NODATA_value -9999
data data data ...
 :    :    :
 :    :    :
class SampleGrid(filename)

Bases: object

Sample data from a gridded data file. The class is instantiated with a gridded data file (either an ascii file or a netcdf file with single 2-d variable), and the SampleGrid.sampleGrid() method returns the value of the grid point closest to the given longitude and latitude.


filename (str) – Path to a file containing gridded data.


>>> grid = SampleGrid( '/foo/bar/grid.nc' )
>>> value = grid.sampleGrid( 100., -25. )
sampleGrid(lon, lat)

Sample a value from the grid at the given cLon, cLat At this time, does not interplolate from the input grid to the given location.

  • lon (float) – Longitude of the point to sample.

  • lat (float) – Latitude of the point to sample.


Value of the nearest grid point to the given lon/lat point.

grdRead(filename, delimiter=None)

Read formatted data from an ascii grid format file. Returns the longitude and latitude of the grid and the data values

  • filename (str) – Path to an ascii grid format or netcdf file.

  • delimiter – Delimiter for the ascii format file (optional).


longitude, latitude, data

Return type


Usage: longitude, latitude, data = grdRead(filename, [delimiter])


Read formatted data from a netcdf file. Returns the longitude and latitude of the grid and the data values. Assumes that there is only one (non-coordinate) variable in the file, which is only 2 dimensional.


filename (str) – Path to a netcdf file to read.


longitude, latitude and grid data.

Usage: longitude, latitude, data = grdReadFromNetcdf(filename)

grdSave(filename, data, lon, lat, delta, delimiter=' ', nodata=- 9999, fmt='%.10e', coords='latlon')

Save formatted data to an ascii grid format file. The files have 6 header lines describing the data, followed by the data in a gridded format.

  • filename (str) – Path to the file to be written.

  • data – 2-d array of data values to store.

  • lon – Array of longitudes corresponding to data points.

  • lat – Array of latitudes corresponding to data points.

  • delta (float) – Spacing between grid points.

  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter to put between data points (default ‘ ‘).

  • nodata (float) – Value to indicate missing values (default -9999).

  • fmt (str) – String format statement.

  • coords (str) – Optionally store the data in UTM coordinates. Default is to store the data in geographic coordinates (coords='latlon'). If coords='UTM', then the latitude & longitudes are converted to the local UTM coordinate system.


ValueError – If the filename is not a string of file handle.


>>> grdSave(filename, data, lon, lat, delta, delimiter=' ',
            nodata=-9999, fmt='%.10e, coords='latlon')

Utilities.interp3d module

interp3d – interpolate to a set of points in 3-dimensional space

Use scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map-coordinates() to interpolate data in three dimensions.

interp3d(input_array, coords, scale=[360.0, 180.0, 365.0], offset=[0.0, - 90.0, 0.0], prefilter=True)

Wrapper to scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(), which converts coordinates of points to indices that correspond to the array. We assume that one is working with lon, lat, day data (i.e. initially designed to work with daily long term mean sea level pressure)

  • input_array – A 3-d array of data at regular intervals, representing the data to be evaluated.

  • coords – A 3-by-n array of coordinates at which the data in input_array will be interpolated to.

  • scale (list) – A (list of) scale factor(s) that reduces the coords values to the range of indices in input_array.

  • offset (list) – A (list of) offset factor(s) that is subtracted from the coords values before adjusting the scale (above).

  • prefilter (boolean) – If True (default), then apply a spline filter before interpolation (necessary for spline interpolation of order > 1). If False, it is assumed that the input is already filtered. Default is True.


1-d array of values corresponding to the interpolated values at the points given in coords.


>>> vals = interp3d(data, coords, scale=[360., 180., 365.],
...                 offset=[0., -90., 0.])

Utilities.interpTrack module

interpTrack – interpolate TC track to a shorter time interval


Print basic help information on using this module as a script


exit_code (int) – Exit code.

interpolateTrack(configFile, trackFile, source, delta=0.1, interpolation_type=None)

Interpolate the data in a track file to the time interval delta hours.

  • configFile (str) – Configuration file that contains information on the source format of the track file.

  • trackFile (str) – Path to csv format track file.

  • source (str) – Name of the data source. There must be a corresponding section in the configuration file that contains the description of the data.

  • delta (float) – Time interval in hours to interpolate to. Default is 0.1 hours

  • interpolation_type (str) – Optionally use Akima or linear interpolation for the track positions. Default is linear 1-dimensional spline interpolation.


10 arrays (id, time, date, lon, lat, bearing, forward speed, central pressure, environmental pressure and radius to maximum wind) that describe the track at delta hours intervals.


Main part of the program


argv (list) – List of command line arguments.

Utilities.lat_long_UTM_conversion module

lat_long_UTM_conversion – convert between geographic & UTM coordinates


>>> zone, easting, northing = LLToUTM(latitude, longitude,
...                                   ReferenceEllipsoid=23)
>>> latitude, longitude = UTMtoLL(northing, easting, zone,
...                               isSouthernHemisphere=True,
...                               ReferenceEllipsoid=23)

See http://www.pygps.org

LLtoUTM(lat, long, reference_ellipsoid=23, ZoneNumber=None)

Converts lat/long to UTM coords. Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532

Lat and long are in decimal degrees Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com

  • Lat (float) – Latitude. North latitudes are positive, south latitudes are negative.

  • Lon (float) – longitude. East longitudes are positive, west longitudes are negative.

  • reference_ellipsoid (int) – Reference ellipsoid for the coordinate system (default=23 – WGS84).

  • ZoneNumber (str) – UTM Zone for coordinates.


Tuple of (ZoneNumber, UTMEasting, UTMNorthing)

UTMtoLL(northing, easting, zone, isSouthernHemisphere=True, reference_ellipsoid=23)

Converts UTM coords to lat/long. Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532 East longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative. North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative lat and long are in decimal degrees. Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com Converted to Python by Russ Nelson <nelson@crynwr.com>

FIXME: This is set up to work for the Southern Hemisphere.

Using http://www.ga.gov.au/geodesy/datums/redfearn_geo_to_grid.jsp

Site Name:    GDA-MGA: (UTM with GRS80 ellipsoid)
Zone:   36
Easting:  511669.521  Northing: 19328195.112
Latitude:   84  0 ' 0.00000 ''  Longitude: 34  0 ' 0.00000 ''
Grid Convergence:  0  -59 ' 40.28 ''  Point Scale: 0.99960166
Site Name:    GDA-MGA: (UTM with GRS80 ellipsoid)
Zone:   36
Easting:  519384.803  Northing: 1118247.585
Latitude:   -80  0 ' 0.00000 ''  Longitude: 34  0 ' 0.00000 ''
Grid Convergence:  0  59 ' 5.32 ''  Point Scale: 0.99960459
Site Name:    GDA-MGA: (UTM with GRS80 ellipsoid)
Zone:   36
Easting:  611263.812  Northing: 10110547.106
Latitude:   1  0 ' 0.00000 ''  Longitude: 34  0 ' 0.00000 ''
Grid Convergence:  0  -1 ' 2.84 ''  Point Scale: 0.99975325
Site Name:    GDA-MGA: (UTM with GRS80 ellipsoid)
Zone:   36
Easting:  611263.812  Northing: 9889452.894
Latitude:   -1  0 ' 0.00000 ''  Longitude: 34  0 ' 0.00000 ''
Grid Convergence:  0  1 ' 2.84 ''  Point Scale: 0.99975325

So this uses a false northing of 10000000 in the both hemispheres. ArcGIS used a false northing of 0 in the northern hem though. Therefore it is difficult to actually know what hemisphere you are in.

  • northing (float) – Northing coordinate in UTM coordinates.

  • easting (float) – Easting coordinate in UTM coordinates

  • zone (int) – UTM zone number.

  • isSouthernHemisphere (boolean) – True if the location is in the southern hemisphere (default).

  • reference_ellipsoid (int) – Reference ellipsoid for the coordinate system (default=23 – WGS84).


Tuple pair of latitude, longitude for the point.

Utilities.lmomentFit module

lmomentFit – fit GEV functions

Two functions {pelgev, samlmu} from the LMOMENTS Fortran package ported to Python to fit a Generalised Extreme Value Distribution function. Original code developed by: J. R. M. HOSKING, IBM RESEARCH DIVISION, T. J. WATSON RESEARCH CENTER, YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NEW YORK 10598, U.S.A.


Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies of the software. The name of the IBM Corporation may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software. IBM makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software for any purpose. It is provided “AS IS” without any express or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. IBM shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.


Parameter estimation via L-moments for the Generalised Extreme Value Distribution. For -0.8 <= TAU3 < 1., K is approximated by rational functions as in Donaldson (1996, Commun. Statist. Simul. Comput.). If TAU3 is outside this range, Newton-Raphson iteration is used.


xmom (List or numpy.ndarray) – Array of length 3, containing the L-moments Lambda-1, Lambda-2 and TAU3.


Location, scale and shape parameters of the GEV distribution.

Return type



Parameter estimation via L-moments for the Generalised Pareto Distribution.

samlmu(data, nmom)

Sample L-moments for a data array.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – Array of length N, containing the data in ascending order.

  • nmom – Number of L-moments to be found (maximum 100).


The sample L-moments.

Return type



Functional equivalent to lmoments.samlmu(data, 3). Vectorised for speed but still about half speed of original fortran package.


data – Array of length N, containing the data in ascending order.


First 3 L-moments.

Return type


Utilities.loadData module

loadData - load TC track data from formatted files

Load a formatted csv file that contains tropical cyclone track information and return a collection of Track objects.

The format of the files is defined in a named section of the input configuration file. See the Source Formats section of the User Guide for details on specifying the format.

TODO: Modify the source to be a dict containing the kwargs to numpy.genfromtxt to make reading additional formats possible (e.g. include converters for some data fields, as in B-deck format track files.

date2ymdh(dates, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

Convert date strings to arrays for date components.

  • dates (numpy.ndarray) – Array of str objects that describe a date.

  • datefmt (str) – Format string of the date values in dates, default=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’


numpy.ndarray arrays containing the year, month, day, hour and minute of the dates contained in the input array dates.

filterPressure(pressure, inputPressureUnits='hPa', missingValue=9223372036854775807)

Filter pressure values to remove any non-physical values.

  • pressure (numpy.ndarray) – input pressure values to check.

  • inputPressureUnits (str) – The units of the pressure values. Can be one of hPa, Pa, kPa, Pascals or mmHg.

  • missingValue (int or float (default sys.maxsize)) – replace all null values in the input data with this value.


numpy.ndarray with only valid pressure values.


Get the array indices corresponding to the initial position of TCs in the input dataset. This is done through examining the data for a number of specific fields to see when they change, or if the data has a field that indicates such an instance.


data (dict) – dict of arrays that contains the data loaded from the input file


numpy.ndarray of indices that can be used to slice the observations and return those corresponding to an initial TC position.


Using only the ‘num’ field will result in different results than using ‘num’ and ‘season’. From experience, the ‘num’ field in best-track datasets refers to the sequential number of the storm for that season - i.e. it starts at 1 for each season and increments for each new storm. The use of ‘num’ only should be reserved for those situations where the dataset is known to have unique numbers for each storm (e.g in simulated data).

getMaxWind(track, missingValue=9223372036854775807)

Determine the maximum wind speed of a Track instance

  • track – A Track instance

  • missingValue (int or float (default sys.maxsize)) – replace all null values in the input data with this value.


Track.trackMaxWind attribute updated with calculated wind speed updated.

getMinPressure(track, missingValue=9223372036854775807)

Determine the minimum pressure of a Track instance

  • track – A Track instance

  • missingValue – Replace missing values with this value (default sys.maxsize).


Track.trackMinPressure attribute updated

getPoci(penv, pcentre, lat, jdays, eps, coeffs=[2324.1564738613392, - 0.6539853183796136, - 1.3984456535888878, 0.0007407292800881893, 0.004446923142934609, - 1.4337623534206905], missingValue=9223372036854775807)

Calculate a modified pressure for the outermost closed isobar, based on a model of daily long-term mean SLP values, central pressure, latitude and day of year.

  • penv – environmental pressure estimate (from long term mean pressure dataset, hPa).

  • pcentre – Central pressure of storm (hPa).

  • lat – Latitude of storm (degrees).

  • jdays – Julian day (day of year).

  • eps – random variate. Retained as a constant for a single storm.

  • coeffs (list) – Coefficients of the model. Defaults based on Southern Hemisphere data (IBTrACS v03r06, 1981-2014).


Revised estimate for the pressure of outermost closed isobar.

getSpeedBearing(index, lon, lat, deltatime, ieast=1, missingValue=9223372036854775807)

Calculate the speed and bearing of a TC.

  • index (numpy.ndarray) – Array of 0/1 indicating start of new TC (1)

  • lon (numpy.ndarray) – Longitudes of TC positions.

  • lat (numpy.ndarray) – Latitudes of TC positions.

  • deltatime (numpy.ndarray) – Time difference (hours) between consecutive TC observations.

  • ieast (int) – Indicate which direction has positive longitude. 1 = positive longitude eastwards -1 = positive longiture westwards.

  • missingValue (int or float, default = sys.maxsize) – Replace questionable values with missingValue.


speed and bearing : numpy.ndarray


>>> speed, bearing = getSpeedBearing(index, lon, lat, deltatime)
getTime(year, month, day, hour, minute)

Calculate the number of days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC + 1

  • year (numpy.ndarray or list) – Year values.

  • month (numpy.ndarray or list) – Month values.

  • day (numpy.ndarray or list) – Day values.

  • hour (numpy.ndarray or list) – Hour values.

  • minute (numpy.ndarray or list) – Minute values.


numpy.ndarray of days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC + 1

getTimeDelta(year, month, day, hour, minute)

Calculate the time difference between consecutive observations.

  • yearnumpy.ndarray of the year of all observations.

  • month – As for year, but for the month of observation.

  • day – As for year, but for the day of observation.

  • hour – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.

  • minutes – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.

  • seconds – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.


numpy.ndarray of time difference between observations in hours.

getTimeElapsed(indicator, year, month, day, hour, minute)

Calculate the age in hours of each event.

  • indicator (numpy.ndarray) – Array (values of 1 or 0) indicating the beginning of a new TC in the input dataset.

  • yearnumpy.ndarray of the year of all observations.

  • month – As for year, but for the month of observation.

  • day – As for year, but for the day of observation.

  • hour – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.

  • minutes – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.


numpy.ndarray of time since the initial observation for each TC (in hours).

julianDays(year, month, day, hour, minute)

Calculate the julian day (day of year) based on the known date/time information.

  • yearnumpy.ndarray of the year of all observations.

  • month – As for year, but for the month of observation.

  • day – As for year, but for the day of observation.

  • hour – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.

  • minute – As for year, but for the hour of the observation.


numpy.ndarray of julian day values for each observation.

loadTrackFile(configFile, trackFile, source, missingValue=0, calculateWindSpeed=True)

Load TC track data from the given input file, from a specified source. The configFile is a configuration file that contains a section called ‘source’ that describes the data. This returns a collection of Track objects that contains the details of the TC tracks in the input file.

  • configFile (str) – Configuration file with a section source.

  • trackFile (str) – Path to a csv-formatted file containing TC data.

  • missingValue – Replace all null values in the input data with this value (default=0).

  • calculateWindSpeed (boolean) – Calculate maximum wind speed using a pressure-wind relation described in maxWindSpeed()

Pararm str source

Name of the source format of the TC data. There must be a section in configFile matching this string, containing the details of the format of the data.


A collection of Track objects. If any of the variables are not present in the input dataset, they are (where possible) calculated (date/time/windspeed), sampled from default datasets (e.g. environmental pressure) or set to the missing value.


>>> tracks = loadTrackFile('tcrm.ini', 'IBTRaCS.csv', 'IBTrACS' )
ltmPressure(jdays, time, lon, lat, ncfile, ncvar='slp')

Extract pressure value from a daily long-term mean SLP dataset at the given day of year and lon,lat position To use this function (and hence some form of daily LTM SLP data) requires knowledge of the day of year.

  • jdays (numpy.ndarray) – Julian day (day of year) values.

  • time (numpy.ndarray) – Time of day for each observation (fraction of a day).

  • lon (numpy.ndarray) – Longitude of TC position.

  • lat (numpy.ndarray) – Latitude of TC position.

  • ncfile (str) – Path to netCDF file containing daily long-term mean sea level pressure data.

  • ncvar (str) – Name of the netcdf variable that holds the SLP data


numpy.ndarray of long-term mean sea level pressure values at the day of year and positions given.

maxWindSpeed(index, deltatime, lon, lat, pressure, penv, gustfactor=0.9524)

Calculate the 10-minute-mean maximum wind speed from the central pressure deficit, using the method described in Holland et al. (2010).

  • indicator (numpy.ndarray) – Array (values of 1 or 0) indicating the beginning of a new TC in the input dataset.

  • deltatime (numpy.ndarray) – Time difference (in hours) between each point in the record.

  • lon (numpy.ndarray) – Longitudes of TC postions.

  • lat (numpy.ndarray) – Latitudes of TC positions.

  • pressure (numpy.ndarray) – Central pressure estimate of TCs (hPa).

  • penv (numpy.ndarray) – Environmental pressure estimates for each TC postion (hPa).

  • gf (float) – Gust factor - default value represents converting from a 1-minute sustained wind speed to a 10-minute mean wind speed. Based on Harper et al. 2010, WMO-TD1555.


numpy.ndarray of estimated wind speed based on central pressure deficit.


>>> v = maxWindSpeed(indicator, dt, lon, lat, pressure, penv)
parseAge(data, indicator)

Parse the TC age information to get a proxy date record. Assumes every TC starts at 2000-01-01 00:00 and calculates year, month, day, hour and minute values based on the age field.

Assumes the age is given in hours since the initial timestep.

  • data (dict) – dict of arrays that contains the data loaded from the input file.

  • indicator (numpy.ndarray) – Array (values of 1 or 0) indicating the beginning of a new TC in the input dataset.


numpy.ndarray`s of year, month, day, hour, minute and :class:`datetime.datetime objects.

parseDates(data, indicator, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

Parse the date/time information to extract year, month, day, hour and minute details for the input dataset.

  • data (dict) – dict of arrays that contains the data loaded from the input file.

  • indicator (numpy.ndarray) – Array (values of 1 or 0) indicating the beginning of a new TC in the input dataset.

  • datefmt (str) – Format string of the date values in dates, default=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’


numpy.ndarray`s of year, month, day, hour, minute and :class:`datetime.datetime objects.

Utilities.maputils module

maputils – mapping functions

Contains mapping functions that operate on arrays. Supercedes some of the functions lying around in some unusual places (like DataProcess).

bear2LatLon(bearing, distance, oLon, oLat)

Calculate the longitude and latitude of a new point from an origin point given a distance and bearing.

  • bearing – Direction to new position (degrees, +ve clockwise from north).

  • distance – Distance to new position (km).

  • oLon – Initial longitude.

  • oLat – Initial latitude.


new longitude and latitude (in degrees)


Converts bearing in azimuth coordinate system into theta in cartesian coordinate system. Assumes -2*pi <= bearing <= 2*pi


bearing – Bearing to convert (in radians) (+ve clockwise from north).


Angle in cartesian coordinate system (+ve anticlockwise from east).


Calculate the Coriolis factor (f) for a given latitude (degrees). If a list is passed, return a list, else return a single value.


lat (Array-like.) – Latitude (degrees).


Coriolis factor.

dist2GC(cLon1, cLat1, cLon2, cLat2, lonArray, latArray, units='km')

Calculate the distance between an array of points and the great circle joining two (other) points. All input values are in degrees. By default returns distance in km, other units specified by the ‘units’ kwarg.

Based on a cross-track error formulation from: http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#XTE

  • cLon1 (float) – Longitude of first point.

  • cLat1 (float) – Latitude of first point.

  • cLon2 (float) – Longitude of second point.

  • cLat2 (float) – Latitude of second point.

  • lonArraynumpy.ndarray of longitudes for which the distance to the line joining the two points will be calculated.

  • latArraynumpy.ndarray of latitudes for which the distance to the line joining the two points will be calculated.


2-d array of distances between the array points and the line joining two points.

Return type


distGC(lat, lon)

Distance based on the great circle navigation between pairs of points.

  • lat – A pair of latitude values for the two points.

  • lon – A pair of longitude values for the two points.


Distance (in kilometres) between the two points, based on great circle navigation.


>>> dist = distGC([-20, -40],[120,190])
find_index(array, value)

Find the index of ‘array’ with a value closest to ‘value’

  • array (numpy.ndarray or list.) – array of data values.

  • value – a value to search array for (or find the index of the nearest value to value).

  • idx (int) – index of array that most closely matches value


ValueError if value is a numpy.ndarray or a list


>>> find_index(np.arange(0., 100., 0.5), 15.25)
find_nearest(array, value)

Find the closest value in ‘array’ to ‘value’

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – array of data values.

  • value (int or float) – a value to search the array for (or find the index of the nearest value to ‘value’


array[idx], where idx is the index of array that corresponds to the value closest to ‘value’.

  • ValueError – If value is a numpy.ndarray or a list.

  • IndexError – If the value cannot be found in the array


>>> n = find_nearest( np.arange(0,100.,0.5), 15.25 )
gridLatLonBear(cLon, cLat, lonArray, latArray)

Generate a grid containing the bearing of the points defined by (lonArray,latArray) from the point defined by (cLon,cLat). (lonArray,latArray) and (cLon,cLat) are in degrees. Returns bearing in radians.

  • cLon (float) – Longitude of the point to measure the distance from.

  • cLat (float) – Latitude of the point to measure the distance from.

  • lonArray – 1-d array of longitude values that will define the grid over which distances will be calculated.

  • latArray – 1-d array of latitude values that will define the grid over which distances will be calculated.


2-d array containing the bearing (direction) of the points defined in lonArray and latArray from the point (cLon, cLat)


>>> from maputils import gridLatLonBear
>>> import numpy as np
>>> lonArray = np.arange(90.,100.,0.1)
>>> latArray = np.arange(-20.,-10.,0.1)
>>> gridLatLonBear( 105., -15., lonArray, latArray)
array([[-1.94475949, -1.94659552, -1.94845671, ..., -2.36416927,
        -2.37344337, -2.38290081],
       [-1.93835542, -1.94015859, -1.94198663, ..., -2.35390045,
        -2.36317282, -2.37263233],
       [-1.93192776, -1.93369762, -1.93549204, ..., -2.34343069,
        -2.35269718, -2.36215458],
       [-1.29066433, -1.28850464, -1.28632113, ..., -0.84374983,
        -0.83405688, -0.82416555],
       [-1.28446304, -1.28227062, -1.28005406, ..., -0.83332654,
        -0.82361918, -0.813717  ],
       [-1.27828819, -1.27606348, -1.27381433, ..., -0.82310335,
        -0.81338586, -0.80347714]])
gridLatLonDist(cLon, cLat, lonArray, latArray, units=None)

Generate a grid containing the spherical earth distance of the points defined by (lonarray, latarray) from the point defined by (clon, clat). (lonarray,latarray) and (clon,clat) are in degrees. Returns distances in km by default, other units specified by the ‘units’ kwarg.

Based on m_lldist.m by Rich Pawlowicz (rich@ocgy.ubc.ca) Modified by Craig Arthur 2006-11-13

  • cLon (float) – Longitude of the point to measure the distance from.

  • cLat (float) – Latitude of the point to measure the distance from.

  • lonArray – 1-d array of longitude values that will define the grid over which distances will be calculated.

  • latArray – 1-d array of latitude values that will define the grid over which distances will be calculated.

  • units (str) – Units of distance to be returned (default is kilometre)


2-d array containing the distance of the points defined in lonArray and latArray from the point (cLon, cLat).


>>> lonArray = np.arange(90.,100.,0.1)
>>> latArray = np.arange(-20.,-10.,0.1)
>>> dist = gridLatLonDist( 105., -15., lonArray, latArray, 'km')
latLon2Azi(lat, lon, ieast=1, azimuth=0, wantdeg=True)

Returns the bearing and distance (in km) between consecutive members of the array pair (lat,lon).

  • lat – Latitudes of positions.

  • lon – Longitudes of positions.

  • ieast (int) – 1 for longitudes increasing towards East, -1 for longitudes increasing towards West (default 1).

  • azimuth (float) – Local coordinate system constructed with origin at latr,lonr, X axis (‘North’) in direction of azimuth, and Y axis such that X x Y = Z(down) when going from (lat,lon) to (x,y) (default 0).

  • wantdeg (boolean) – If True return bearings as degrees, not radians.


azimuth (+ve clockwise from north) and distance (in km).

latLon2XY(xr, yr, lat, lon, ieast=1, azimuth=0)

Calculate the cartesian distance between consecutive lat,lon points. Will bomb at North and South Poles. Assumes geographical coordinates and azimuth in decimal degrees, local Cartesian coordinates in km.

  • xr – Reference longitude, normally 0.

  • yr – Reference latitude, normally 0.

  • lat – Array of latitudes.

  • lon – Array of longitudes.

  • ieast (int) – 1 if longitude increases toward the East (normal case), -1 if longitude increases toward the West.

  • azimuth (int) – local coordinate system constructed with origin at latr,lonr, X axis (‘North’) in direction of azimuth, and Y axis such that X x Y = Z(down) when going from (lat,lon) to (x,y) scalar or array.


Array of northward and eastward distances between consecutive points. use xy2r() to convert to a distance between consecutive points.

makeGrid(cLon, cLat, margin=2, resolution=0.01, minLon=None, maxLon=None, minLat=None, maxLat=None)

Generate a grid of the distance and angle of a grid of points surrounding a storm centre given the location of the storm. The grid margin and grid size can be set in configuration files. xMargin, yMargin and gridSize are in degrees.

  • cLon (float) – Reference longitude.

  • cLat (float) – Reference latitude.

  • margin (float) – Distance (in degrees) around the centre to fit the grid.

  • resolution (float) – Resolution of the grid (in degrees).

  • minLon (float) – Minimum longitude of points to include in the grid.

  • maxLon (float) – Maximum longitude of points to include in the grid.

  • minLat (float) – Minimum latitude of points to include in the grid.

  • maxLat (float) – Maximum latitude of points to include in the grid.


2 2-d arrays containing the distance (km) and bearing (azimuthal) of all points in a grid from the cLon, cLat.

makeGridDomain(cLon, cLat, minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat, margin=2, resolution=0.01)

Generate a grid of the distance and angle of a grid of points across a complete model domain, given the location of the storm.

  • cLon (float) – Reference longitude.

  • cLat (float) – Reference latitude.

  • minLon (float) – Minimum longitude of points to include in the grid.

  • maxLon (float) – Maximum longitude of points to include in the grid.

  • minLat (float) – Minimum latitude of points to include in the grid.

  • maxLat (float) – Maximum latitude of points to include in the grid.

  • margin (float) – Distance (in degrees) around the centre to fit the grid.

  • resolution (float) – Resolution of the grid (in degrees).


2 2-d arrays containing the distance (km) and bearing (azimuthal) of all points in a grid from the cLon, cLat, spanning the complete region.

meshLatLon(cLon, cLat, margin=2, resolution=0.01)

Create a meshgrid of the longitudes and latitudes of a grid.

  • cLon (float) – Longitude of centre of grid.

  • cLat (float) – Latitude of centre of grid.

  • margin (float) – Distance (in degrees) around the centre to build the grid.

  • resolution (float) – Resolution of the grid (degrees).


Coordinate matrices for the longitude and latitude vectors, covering the region within margin degrees of (cLon, cLat).

meshLatLonDomain(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat, margin=2, resolution=0.01)

Create a meshgrid of the lon/lat grid across th full model domain.

  • minLon (float) – Minimum longitude of the domain.

  • maxLon (float) – Maximum longitude of the domain.

  • minLat (float) – Minimum latitude of the domain.

  • maxLat (float) – Maximum latitude of the domain.

  • margin (float) – Distance (in degrees) around the centre to build the grid.

  • resolution (float) – Resolution of the grid (degrees).


Coordinate matrices for the longitude and latitude vectors, covering the full domain, plus an additional margin of margin degrees.


Converts a cartesian angle (in radians) to an azimuthal bearing (in radians). Assumes -2*pi <= theta <= 2*pi


theta – Angle in cartesian coordinate system (+ve anticlockwise from east).


Bearing in azimuth coordinate system (+ve clockwise from north).

xy2r(x, y)

Given x and y arrays, returns the distance between consecutive elements.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – x-coordinate of points.

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – y-coordinate of points.


Distance (in native units) between consecutive points.

Return type


Utilities.metutils module

metutils – perform basic meteorological calculations

convert(value, inunits, outunits)

Convert value from input units to output units.

  • value – Value to be converted

  • inunits (str) – Input units.

  • outunits (str) – Output units.


Value converted to outunits units.


Calculate the Coriolis factor (f) for a given latitude (degrees).


lat (numpy.ndarray or scalar float) – Latitude (degrees).


Coriolis factor

Return type

numpy.ndarray or scalar float

dewPointToRH(t_dry, t_dew)

Calculate relative humidity from dry bulb and dew point (in degrees Celsius)

  • t_dry (float) – Dry bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • t_dew (float) – Dew point temperature (degrees Celsius).


Relative humidity (%)

Return type


dewPointToVapPr(t_dp, units_vp='hPa')

Calculate vapour pressure from dew point temperature.

  • t_dp (float) – Dew point temperature (degrees Celsius)

  • units_vp (str) – Output units (default gPressureUnits).


Vapour pressure of water content.

Return type


dewPointToWetBulb(T, Td, pressure)

Calculate wet bulb temperature from dry bulb temperature, dew point temperature and air pressure.

Based on the code underpinning the form at: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/epz/?n=wxcalc_dewpoint

  • T (float) – Dry bulb temperature (degrees Celcius).

  • Td (float) – Dew point temperature (degrees Celcius).

  • pressure (float) – Air pressure (hPa).


Wet bulb temperature (degrees Celcius).

Return type


TODO: Add unit tests.

elevToAirPr(elev, units_ap='hPa')

Approximate air pressure in hectopascals (mb) at a given elevation.

  • elev (float) – Elevation above sea level (metres).

  • units_ap (str) – Units of air pressure (default "hPa").


Approximate air pressure at the given elevation in the specified or default units.

Return type


genesisPotential(zeta, rh, vmax, shear)

Calculate genesis potential index

mixRatToVapPr(rat, prs)

Calculate vapour pressure from mixing ratio.

  • rat (float) – Mixing ratio.

  • prs (float) – Air pressure.


Vapour pressure.

Return type


rHToDewPoint(rh, t_dry)

Calculate dew point from relative humidity and dry bulb (in degrees Celsius).

  • rh (float) – Relative humidity (%).

  • t_dry (float) – Dry bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).


Dew point temperture (degrees Celsius).

Return type


rHToMixRat(rh, tmp, prs, tmp_units='C')

Calculate mixing ratio from relative humidity, temperature and pressure.

  • rh (float) – Relative humidity (%).

  • tmp (float) – Temperature (any units, default degrees Celsius).

  • prs (float) – Air pressure (hPa).

  • tmp_units (str) – Air temperature units (default degrees Celsius).


Mixing ratio (g/kg).

Return type


satVapPr(temp, units_vp='hPa')

Saturation vapour pressure from temperature in degrees celsius.

  • temp (float) – Temperature (degrees celsius).

  • units_vp (str) – Units of the vapour pressure to return. Default is gPressureUnits.


saturation vapour pressure in the specified or default units.


Calculation is in kPa with a conversion at the end to the required units.


>>> from metutils import satVapPr
>>> satVapPr(25.)
spHumToMixRat(q, units='gkg')

Calculate mixing ratio from specific humidity. Assumes the input specific humidity variable is in units of g/kg.

  • q (float) – Specific humidity (any units, assumed g/kg).

  • units (str) – Units of specific humidity, default g/kg.


Mixing ratio (kg/kg).

Return type


spHumToRH(q, tmp, prs)

Calculate relative humidity from specific humidity, temperature and pressure.

  • q (float) – Specific humidity (g/kg).

  • tmp (float) – Temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • prs (float) – Air pressure (hPa).


Relative humidity (%)

Return type


vapPrToDewPoint(vp, units_vp='hPa')

Calculate dew point from vapour pressure (in kPa)

  • vp (float) – Input vapour pressure.

  • units_vp (str) – Input units (default gPressureUnits)


dew point temperature (in degrees Kelvin)

Return type


vapPrToMixRat(es, prs)

Calculate mixing ratio from vapour pressure In this function, we (mis)use the symbol es for vapour pressure, when it correctly represents saturation vapour pressure. The function can be used for both.

  • es (float) – Vapour pressure.

  • prs (float) – Air pressure.


Mixing ratio.

Return type


vapPrToRH(vp, sat_vp)

Calculate relative humidity from vapour pressure and saturated vapour pressure.

  • vp (float) – Vapour pressure (hPa)

  • sat_vp (float) – Saturation vapour pressure (hPa)


Relative humidity (%)


>>> from metutils import vapPrToRH
>>> vapPrToRH(10., 30.)
vapPrToSpHum(es, prs)

Convert vapour pressure to specific humidity.

  • es (float) – Vapour pressure.

  • prs (float) – Air pressure.


Specific humidity.

Return type



Determine saturation vapour pressure, given temperature).


temp (float) – Air temperature (degrees Celsius)


Saturation vapour pressure (kPa).

Return type


wetBulbGlobeTemp(t_dp, temp)

Calculate Wet Bulb Globe Temperature from Dew Point Temperature and Dry Bulb Temperature (same as air temperature).

  • t_dp (float) – Dew point temperature (degees Celsius).

  • temp (float) – Air temperature (degrees Celsius).


Wet bulb globe temperature (degrees Celsius).

Return type


wetBulbToDewPoint(db, wb, elev=0)

Calculate Dew Point from dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures.

  • db (float) – Dry bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • wb (float) – Wet bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • elev (float) – Optional elevation of the observation (metres).


Dew point temperature (degrees Kelvin).

Return type


wetBulbToRH(t_db, t_wb, elev)

Calculate relative humidity from dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures, and optional elevation.

  • t_db (float) – Dry bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • t_wb (float) – Wet bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • elev (float) – Elevation (metres).


Relative humidity (%).


>>> from metutils import wetBulbToRH
>>> wetBulbToRH(25., 10., 0)
>>> wetBulbToRH(25., 20., 0)
wetBulbToVapPr(db, wb, elev, units_vp='hPa')

Calculate vapour pressure from dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures, and optional elevation.

  • db (float) – Dry bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • wb (float) – Wet bulb temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • elev (float) – Elevation (metres).

  • units_vp (str) – Output units (default gPressureUnits)


Vapour pressure.

Return type


Utilities.nctools module

nctools – NetCDF utility functions

ncCreateDim(ncobj, name, values, dtype, atts=None)

Create a dimension instance in a netcdf4.Dataset or netcdf4.Group instance.

  • ncobjnetCDF4.Dataset or netCDF4.Group instance.

  • name (str) – Name of the dimension.

  • values (numpy.ndarray) – Dimension values.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Data type of the dimension.

  • atts (dict or None) – Attributes to assign to the dimension instance

ncCreateVar(ncobj, name, dimensions, dtype, data=None, atts=None, **kwargs)

Create a Variable instance in a netCDF4.Dataset or netCDF4.Group instance.

  • ncobj (netCDF4.Dataset or netCDF4.Group) – netCDF4.Dataset or netCDF4.Group instance where the variable will be stored.

  • name (str) – Name of the variable to be created.

  • dimensions (tuple) – dimension names that define the structure of the variable.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – numpy.dtype data type.

  • data (numpy.ndarray or None.) – numpy.ndarray Array holding the data to be stored.

  • atts (dict) – Dict of attributes to assign to the variable.

  • kwargs – additional keyword args passed directly to the netCDF4.Variable constructor


netCDF4.Variable instance

Return type


ncFileInfo(filename, group=None, variable=None, dimension=None)

Print summary information about a netCDF file.

Based on ncinfo (https://code.google.com/p/netcdf4-python/source/browse/trunk/utils/ncinfo)

  • filename (str) – Path to valid netCDF file.

  • group (str) – Name of a netCDF4.Group instance to describe.

  • variable (str) – Name of a netCDF4.Variable instance to describe.

  • dimension (str) – Name of a netCDF4.Dimension instance to describe.

ncGetData(ncobj, var)

Extract data values from a variable in a netCDF file.

Note that the variable object is a better way to manipulate the variables, as the object includes all attributes (e.g. units, range, long_name, etc) - use ncGetVar for that purpose.

  • ncobj (NetCDF4.Dataset) – NetCDF4.Dataset object.

  • var (str) – Name of the variable in the dataset to extract.


numpy.masked_array containing the data of the variable, with missing values masked.

Return type



KeyError – If variable does not exist in the given file.

ncGetDims(ncobj, dim, dtype=<class 'float'>)

Extract the value of a dimension from a netCDF file. This function assumes the file is written following the CF convention, with the values of the dimension stored in a 1-d variable with the same name.

  • ncobj (netCDF4.Dataset) – netCDF4.Dataset object

  • dim (str) – Name of the desired dimension.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Data type of the dimension


numpy.ndarray of the requested dimension.

ncGetTimes(ncobj, name='time')

Get the time data from a netcdf file.

  • ncobjnetCDF4.Dataset or netCDF4.Group instance.

  • name (str) – Name of the time variable.

Return times

Array of time dimension values as true Python datetime objects.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of datetime objects

ncGetVar(ncobj, name)

Return a netCDF4.variable object.

  • ncobj (netCDF.Group or netCDF.Dataset) – netCDF.Group or netCDF.Dataset instance.

  • name (str) – Name of the desired variable.

Return varobj

netCDF.Variable instance

Return type



Load a netCDF file and return a netCDF4.Dataset object.


filename (str) – Path to the netCDF file to open.


netCDF4.Dataset object

Return type


ncSaveGrid(filename, dimensions, variables, nodata=- 9999, datatitle=None, gatts={}, writedata=True, keepfileopen=False, zlib=True, complevel=4, lsd=None)

Save a gridded dataset to a netCDF file using NetCDF4.

  • filename (str) – Full path to the file to write to.

  • dimensions

    dict The input dict ‘dimensions’ has a strict structure, to permit insertion of multiple dimensions. The dimensions should be keyed with the slowest varying dimension as dimension 0.

    dimesions = {0:{'name':
                            'units':  ...} },
                            'units':  ...} },

  • variables

    dict The input dict ‘variables’ similarly requires a strict structure:

    variables = {0:{'name':
                            ...} },
                            ...} },

    The value for the ‘dims’ key must be a tuple that is a subset of the dimensions specified above.

  • nodata (float) – Value to assign to missing data, default is -9999.

  • datatitle (str) – Optional title to give the stored dataset.

  • gatts (dict or None) – Optional dictionary of global attributes to include in the file.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – The data type of the missing value. If not given, infer from other input arguments.

  • writedata (bool) – If true, then the function will write the provided data (passed in via the variables dict) to the file. Otherwise, no data is written.

  • keepfileopen (bool) – If True, return a netcdf object and keep the file open, so that data can be written by the calling program. Otherwise, flush data to disk and close the file.

  • zlib (bool) – If true, compresses data in variables using gzip compression.

  • complevel (integer) – Value between 1 and 9, describing level of compression desired. Ignored if zlib=False.

  • lsd (integer) – Variable data will be truncated to this number of significant digits.


netCDF4.Dataset object (if keepfileopen=True)

Return type


  • KeyError – If input dimension or variable dicts do not have required keys.

  • IOError – If output file cannot be created.

  • ValueError – if there is a mismatch between dimensions and shape of values to write.

Utilities.parallel module

parallel – base parallel processing functions

class DummyCommWorld

Bases: object

A dummy COMM_WORLD class that provides the bare essential methods for running the code. This is used for basic parallelisation (task distribution).

This is returned only if mpi4py raises an ImportError or ModuleNotFoundError.

property name
property rank
property size
class DummyStatus

Bases: object

A dummy Status class that provides a placeholder for the methods that are used to control processing in parallel implementation


Attempt to load mpi4py.MPI globally as MPI. If mpi4py loads successfully, then a call to MPI.Finalize is registered to be called at exit of the Python interpreter. This is to ensure that MPI exits cleanly.

If mpi4py.MPI cannot be loaded then a dummy mpi4py.MPI is created.


An mpi4py.MPI object - either a dummy or the real thing


Decorator to disable function f calculation on workers. The function will only be evaluated on the master thread.


f (function) – Function to be wrapped

Utilities.pathLocator module

pathLocator – determine directory one level above the Utilites folder


Return the name of the path one level above the directory of this current file.


Path name one level above this.

Return type



Determine if modules have been built into the interpreter, e.g. by py2exe.


True if the modules are frozen, False otherwise.

Utilities.process module

process – control processing of files

pAlreadyProcessed(directory, filename, attribute, value)

Determine if a file has already been processed (i.e. it is stored in GLOBAL_PROCFILES)

  • directory (str) – Base path of the file being checked.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file.

  • attribute (str) – Attribute name to be checked.

  • value (str) – Value of the attribute to be tested.


True if the value matches that stored in GLOBAL_PROCFILES, False otherwise.

Return type



Set or get archive date format. Archived files can optionally have a date string inserted into the filename to retain all files with the same name, but different timestamps.


date_format (str) – archive date format (if setting it)


archive date format

Return type



Set or get the archive directory. If setting the directory, its existence is checked and the directory is created.


archive_dir (str) – Archive directory (if setting it).


The archive directory.

Return type



OSError – if the directory cannot be created


Move the file to the archive directory (if specified), inserting a timestamp in the name.


filename (str) – Full path of the file to be archived.


True if the file is successfully moved, False otherwise.

Return type



Set or get archive timstamp flag. If the flag is True, then files that are to be archived will have a timestamp inserted into the file name.


timestamp (bool) – True or False (if setting it)



Return type



Delete the existing data file - defined in the GLOBAL_DATFILE variable (list of previously-processed files).


True if existing dat file successfully deleted, False otherwise

Return type


pGetProcessedEntry(directory, filename, attribute)

Retrieve the value of an attribute for a file from the GLOBAL_PROCFILES dictionary.

  • directory (str) – Path name of the file.

  • filename (str) – File name to retrieve the details of.

  • attribute (str) – Attribute to retrieve.


Attribute value


Retrieve a list of processed files from a dat file. This will also set the global GLOBAL_DATFILE.


datFileName (str) – Name of a data file to read from.


True if successfully read the data file, False otherwise.

Return type


pMoveFile(origin, destination)

Move a single file to an archive directory.

  • origin (str) – Full path of the file to be moved.

  • destination (str) – Full path of the file destination.


True if the file is successfully moved, False otherwise.

Return type


pSetProcessedEntry(directory, filename, attribute, value)

Update the attribute of the given file with the given value.

  • directory (str) – Base directory of the file.

  • filename (str) – File name.

  • attribute (str) – Name of the file attribute to be updated.

  • value (str) – Attribute value.


Write the various attributes of the given file to GLOBAL_DATFILE


filename (str) – Name of file that has been processed.


True if the attributes of the file are successfully stored in GLOBAL_PROCFILES and written to GLOBAL_DATFILE, False otherwise.

Return type


Utilities.progressbar module

progressbar – display progress on STDOUT

class ProgressBar(modname, showbar=True)

Bases: object

update(progress, startPos=0, endPos=1)
class SimpleProgressBar(modname, showbar=True)

Bases: Utilities.progressbar.ProgressBar

update(progress, startPos=0, endPos=1, incr=5.0)

Utilities.shptools module

shptools - helper functions for manipulating shape files


Parse a dict of dicts to generate a list of lists describing the fields, and an array of the corresponding data records


data (dict) – a dict of dicts with field names as keys, and each sub-dict containing keys of ‘Type’, ‘Length’, ‘Precision’ and ‘Data’.


fields, records

Return type


shpCreateFile(outputFile, shapes, data, shpType)

Create a shapefile of the give type, containing the given fields.

  • outputFile (str) – full path (excluding extension!) to the shapefile to create.

  • shapes (shapefile._Shape) – Collection of shape objects representing the geometry of features.

  • shptype (int) – shapefile object type (these are integer values, but you can also use the shapelib.SHPT value).

  • fields (dict) – a dictionary of dictionaries with field names as keys, and each sub-dictionary containing keys of ‘Type’, ‘Length’,’Precision’ and ‘Data’: ‘Type’ must be one of the following integer values: 0 - strings 1 - integers 2 - doubles 4 - Invalid


shapefile.ShapefileException if unable to write the file.

shpGetField(shape_file, field_name, dtype=<class 'float'>)

Extract from the records the value of the field corresponding to fieldname.

  • shpFile (str) – path to a valid shape file

  • fieldname (str) – name of a field in the attribute table of the shape file (.dbf)

  • dtype (dtype) – type of values in the requested field. Default is float


the value of the given field for each feature

Return type

array or list (if dtype is a string)

shpGetVertices(shape_file, key_name=None)

Returns a dictionary of arrays containing coordinate pairs representing vertices contained in the shapefile.

Dictionary keys can either be a field contained within the corresponding dbf file (through the optional kwarg keyName), or if no key name is provided, the object id number (i.e. the record number) is used.

WARNING: If any records share the same value for the chosen key, then only one record will be retained in the returned values.

Input: :type shape_file: str :param shape_file: path to a shape file, excluding the extension


key_name (optional str) – name of a field in the shape file that acts as a key for the dictionary of returned vertices


dict keyed by object id number or optionally a field name, with values being arrays of vertices of the corresponding shape object.

Return type


Example: vertices = shpGetVertices(‘/foo/bar/baz/shp’, ‘FIELD1’)

This function is retained for backwards compatibility. We recommend using the shapefile interface directly for extracting shapes and records.


Return the vertices and records for the given shape file


shape_file (str) – path of input shape file.



Return type




Return type


shpSaveTrackFile(outputFile, tracks, fmt='point')

Save track data to shapefile. The fields are sorted using the same function as in shpCreateFile, so the fields should be in the correct order.

  • outputFile (str) – name for the output shapefile, excluding extension.

  • tracks (Track object) – collection of track features.

  • format – Type of features to save. “point” will save each record as a single point. “lines” will save each individual TC track as a single (POLYLINE) feature. “segments” will save each segment of a track to a line feature between consecutive observations.

shpWriteShapeFile(outputFile, shpType, fields, shapes, records)

Save data to a shapefile. The fields are sorted using the same function as in shpCreateFile, so the fields should be in the correct order.

  • outputFile – A dbf file object created by shpCreateFile

  • shpType – The type of features to be created.

  • data (dict) – A dictionary of dictionaries with field names as keys, and each sub-dictionary containing keys of ‘Type’, ‘Length’,’Precision’ and ‘Data’ ‘Type’ must be one of the following integer values: 0 - strings 1 - integers 2 - doubles 4 - Invalid


shapefile.ShapefileException if unable to write the file.

tracks2line(tracks, outputFile, dissolve=False)

Writes tracks to a shapefile as a collection of line features

If dissolve==True, then each track feature is written as a single polyline feature, otherwise each track segment is stored as a separate feature.

  • tracks (list of Track objects) – Track features to store in a shape file

  • outputFile (str) – Path to output file destination

  • dissolve (boolean) – Store track features or track segments.

tracks2point(tracks, outputFile)

Writes tracks to a shapefile as a collection of point features

  • tracks (list of Track objects) – Track features to store in a shape file

  • outputFile (str) – Path to output file destination

Utilities.smooth module

smooth – smooth a 2D field using a Gaussian filter


Calculate a normalised Gaussian kernel to apply as a smoothing function.


size (int) – the size of the kernel to use (how many points will be used in the smoothing operation).


numpy.ndarray normalised 2D kernel array for use in convolutions

smooth(im, n=15)

Smooth a 2D array im by convolving with a Gaussian kernel of size n.

  • im (numpy.ndarray) – Array of values to be smoothed

  • n (int) – Number of points to include in the smoothing.


smoothed array (same dimensions as the input array)

Utilities.stats module

stats – helper functions for statistical methods


Calculate the bandwidth for a kernel density estimation, using the normal reference method.


datanumpy.ndarray of float values


Float value of the “optimum” bandwidth for the kernel density estimate

between(value, minval, maxval, fuzz=2, inclusive=True)

Test whether a value is within some range with some fuzziness at the edges to allow for floating point noise.

The fuzziness is implemented by expanding the range at each end fuzz steps using the numpy.nextafter function. For example, with the inputs minval = 1, maxval = 2, and fuzz = 2; the range would be expanded to minval = 0.99999999999999978 and maxval = 2.0000000000000009 before doing comparisons.

  • val (float) – Value being tested.

  • minval (float) – Lower bound of range. Must be lower than maxval.

  • maxval (float) – Upper bound of range. Must be higher than minval.

  • fuzz (int) – Number of times to expand bounds using numpy.nextafter.

  • inclusive (boolean) – Set whether endpoints are within the range.


True if val is between minval and maxval, false otherwise.

From http://penandpants.com/category/python/numpy/

cdf(x, y)

Cumulative Density Function extracted from cdf_lin.m

cdf2d(x, y, z)

2D Cumulative Density Function extracted from cdf2d.m Assumes the grid is uniformly defined, i.e. dx and dy are constant.

circmean(samples, high=6.283185307179586, low=0)

Compute the circular mean for samples assumed to be in the range [low to high]

circstd(samples, high=6.283185307179586, low=0)

Compute the circular standard deviation for samples assumed to be in the range [low to high]

circvar(samples, high=6.283185307179586, low=0)

Compute the circular variance for samples assumed to be in the range [low to high]

getCellLonLat(cellNum, gridLimit, gridSpace)

Return the lon/lat of a given cell, based on gridLimit and gridSpace

getCellNum(lon, lat, gridLimit, gridSpace)

Return the cell number given longitude and latititude

getOccurence(occurList, indList)

Returns an array of indices corresponding to cyclone observations that

logger = <RootLogger root (WARNING)>


cdf(x,y)1D array of float

Cumulative Density Function extracted from cdf_lin.m

cdf2d(x,y,z): 2D array of float

2D Cumulative Density Function extracted from cdf2d.m

getCellNum(lon, lat, gridLimit, gridSpace): int

Determine the cell number based on the lat/lon, the grid bounds and the grid spacing.

getCellLonLat(cellNum, gridLimit, gridSpace): 2D float

Determine the lat/lon of the northwestern corner of cellNum

validCellNum(cellNum, gridLimit, gridSpace): boolean

Determine whether the given cell number can exist within the bounds of the region defined by gridSpace and gridLimit

maxCellNum(gridLimit, gridSpace): int

Determine maximum cell number based on grid limits and spacing.

maxCellNum(gridLimit, gridSpace)

Get maximum cell number based on grid and grid space


Return an annual probability given a return period

rMaxDist(mean, sig, maxrad=200.0)

Based on the logarithmic distribution reported by Willoughby & Rahn (2004)

statCellFraction(gridLimit, gridSpace, valueFile)

Calculate the fractional value of each grid cell, based on the values stored in valueFile. :param dict gridLimit: Dictionary of bounds of the grid. :param dict gridSpace: Resolution of the grid to calculate values. :param str valueFile: Path to the ascii grid file containing values to sample.


numpy.ndarray of fractional values, with length equal to the number of cells

Notes: Still need to include bounds checking to ensure the valueFile data actually covers the gridLimits.

statMaxRange(minval, maxval, step)

Returns the maximum value in a range used for arranging the cells to be evenly spaced

statMinRange(minval, maxval, step)

Returns the minimum value in a range Used for arranging the cells to be evenly spaced

statRemoveNum(a, Num=9223372036854775807)

Remove all elements in an array for which value is Num

validCellNum(cellNum, gridLimit, gridSpace)

Checks whether the given cell number is valid

Utilities.tcrandom module

tcrandom – extended version of Python’s random library

class Random(seed, stream)

Bases: object

Pseudorandom number generator.

Expect each simulation to instantiate this class with the same seed integer, and with a unique stream integer (drawn from e.g. an enumeration of all the simulations)

logisticvariate(mu, sigma)

Random variate from the logistic distribution.

  • mu (float) – Location parameter (μ real).

  • sigma (float) – Scale parameter (σ > 0).


A random variate from the logistic distribution.

lognormvariate(xi, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0)

Random variate from the lognormal distribution.

  • xi (float) – Shape parameter

  • mu (float) – Location parameter

  • sigma (float) – Scale paramter (σ > 0)


A random variate from the lognormal distribution

normalvariate(loc=0, scale=1, shape=None)
uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=None)

Utilities.template module

template – replace strings with another value

replace(infile, outfile, replacements)

Replace all instances of the keys with values in infile and w write to outfile.

In the input file, keywords to be replaced should be written as ‘{keyword}’.

e.g. if infile has a line containing a formatted keyword:

Input = {PATH}

and replacements = dict('PATH': '/foo/baz'), then the output file will be written as:

Input = /foo/baz
  • infile (str) – Path to an input file.

  • outfile (str) – Destination file to be written.

  • replacements (dict) – A set of key-value pairs that dictate the replacements to occur in the input file.

Utilities.timeseries module

timeseries - Extract timeseries from each timestep of a simulation

Extract station timeseries from each timestep of a simulation. This samples the regional wind speed, not the site-specific wind speed. To include site-specific effects, you will first need to include the multiplier values for each site in the station file, then run tsmultipliers.py to apply said multipliers to the output.

class Station(stationid, longitude, latitude)

Bases: object


Description: An object to represent a location for which time series

data will be extracted

Members: id: Unique id string for the station lon: Longitude of the station (geographic coordinates) lat: Latitude of the station (geographic coordinates) data: A DynamicRecArray to hold the time series data

Methods: insideGrid: Determine if the station is inside the simulation domain.

insideGrid(gridx, gridy)

Determine if a point is within the defined grid

class Timeseries(configFile)

Bases: object


Description: Extract data at a set of :class:`Station`s



configFile (str) – Path to a TCRM configuration file

Members: meta: Boolean whether additional metadata is attached to the Station`s `outputPath: Directory where extracted data will be stored in csv-format files minfile: Name of the file where minima for all `Station`s will be stored.

This will be the outputPath folder

maxfile: As above, but for maxima (e.g. maximum wind speeds) stations: A list of Station objects, read from a file containing details of the stations


Internal methods:

extract(dt, spd, uu, vv, prs, gridx, gridy)

Extract data from the grid at the given locations. Data is stored in a dictionary, with keys as the station id’s.

  • tstep (float) – time step being evaluated, as a float (output from matplotlib.num2date)

  • spdnumpy.ndarray of speed values.

  • uunumpy.ndarray of eastward wind speed values.

  • vvnumpy.ndarray of northward wind speed values.

  • prsnumpy.ndarray of pressure values.

  • gridxnumpy.ndarray of grid longitudes.

  • gridynumpy.ndarray of grid latitudes.

sample(lon, lat, spd, uu, vv, prs, gridx, gridy)

Extract values from 2-dimensional grids at the given lat/lon.

  • lon (float) – Longitude of the point to extract.

  • lat (float) – Latitude of the point to extract.

  • spdnumpy.ndarray of speed values.

  • uunumpy.ndarray of eastward wind speed values.

  • vvnumpy.ndarray of northward wind speed values.

  • prsnumpy.ndarray of pressure values.

  • gridxnumpy.ndarray of grid longitudes.

  • gridynumpy.ndarray of grid latitudes.


speed, esatward and northward wind components, and pressure values at the given location

Return type



Write the data to file, each station to a separate file.

Utilities.track module

track - track-related attributes and functions

class Track(data)

Bases: object

A single tropical cyclone track.

The object exposes the track data through the object attributes. For example, If data contains the tropical cyclone track data (numpy.array) loaded with the readTrackData() function, then the central pressure column can be printed out with the code:

t = Track(data)

data (numpy.ndarray) – the tropical cyclone track data.


Check if the tropical cyclone track starts within a region.


gridLimit (dict) – the region to check. The dict should contain the keys xMin, xMax, yMin and yMax. The x variable bounds the latitude and the y variable bounds the longitude.


Calculate the minimum distance between a track and a collection of shapely.geometry.Point points. Assumes the points and the Longitude and Latitude attributes share the same coordinate system (presumed to be geographic coordinates).


points – sequence of shapely.geometry.Point objects.


numpy.ndarray of minimum distances between the set of points and the line features (in km).

exception WindowsError

Bases: OSError


Read tracks from a track .nc file and return a list of Track objects.

This calls the function ncReadTrackData to parse the track .nc file.


trackfile (str) – the track data filename.


list of Track objects.


Generator that yields Track objects from a list of track filenames.

When run in parallel, the list trackfiles is distributed across the MPI processors using the balanced function. Track files are loaded in a lazy fashion to reduce memory consumption. The generator returns individual tracks (recall: a trackfile can contain multiple tracks) and only moves on to the next file once all the tracks from the current file have been returned.


trackfiles (list of strings) – list of track filenames. The filenames must include the path to the file.


TypeError if input argument is not a list.


Helper function to obtain a generator that yields Track objects from a directory containing track .csv files.

This function calls loadTracksFromFiles to obtain the generator and track filenames are processed in alphabetical order.


path (str) – the directory path.


IOError if the path does not exist.


Read a netcdf-format track file into a collection of Track objects. The returned Track objects must have all attributes accessed by the __getattr__ method.


trackfile (str) – track data filename (netCDF4 format).


track data

Return type

list of Track objects

ncSaveTracks(trackfile, tracks, timeunits='hours since 1900-01-01 00:00', calendar='standard', attributes={})

Save a collection of Track objects to a netCDF file. This makes use of netCDF4 compound data types to store the data as a structure akin to a numpy.recarray. Each track in the collection is stored as a separate netCDF4.Group instance in the output file.

The Track objects hold datetime information as an array of datetime.datetime objects - there is no equivalent data type in netCDF4, so the datetime information is converted to floats using the netCDF4.date2num function.

  • trackfile (str) – Path to the file to save data to.

  • tracks (list) – Collection of Track objects.

  • timeunits (str) – A string of the form ‘time units since reference time’ describing the time units. Default is ‘hours since 1900-01-01 00:00’.

  • calendar (str) – Calendar used for time calculations. Valid calendars are ‘standard’, ‘gregorian’, ‘proleptic_gregorian’, ‘noleap’, ‘365_day’, ‘360_day’, ‘julian’, ‘all_leap’, ‘366_day’. Default is ‘standard’, which is a mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar.

  • attributes (dict) – Global attributes to add to the file.


Reads all the track datas from a .csv file into a list of numpy.ndarrays. The tracks are seperated based in their cyclone id. This function calls readTrackData to read the data from the file.


trackfile (str) – the track data filename.


a collection of Track objects


Read a track .csv file into a numpy.ndarray.

The track format and converters are specified with the global variables

TRACKFILE_COLS – The column names TRACKFILE_FMTS – The entry formats TRACKFILE_CNVT – The column converters


trackfile (str) – the track data filename.


track data

Return type


Utilities.tracks2shp module

tracks2shp – save a track instance as a shape file


Add a category field (for central pressure) to the tracks.

add_field(a, descr)

Add a field to the description of a track.

recdropfields(rec, names)

Return a new numpy record array with fields in names dropped. From http://matplotlib.org/api/mlab_api.html#matplotlib.mlab.rec_drop_fields

  • recnumpy.recarray containing a number of fields.

  • names (list) – List of names to drop from the record array.


A new numpy.recarray with the fields in names dropped.

tracks2line(tracks, outputFile, dissolve=False, netcdf_format=False)

Writes tracks to a shapefile as a collection of line features

If dissolve==True, then each track feature is written as a single polyline feature, otherwise each track segment is stored as a separate feature.

  • tracks (list of Track objects) – Track features to store in a shape file

  • outputFile (str) – Path to output file destination

  • dissolve (boolean) – Store track features or track segments.

  • netcdf_format (bool) – Whether tracks are in TCRM format


shapefile.ShapefileException if there is an error when attempting to save the file.

tracks2point(tracks, outputFile, netcdf_format=False)

Writes tracks to a shapefile as a collection of point features.

  • tracks (list of Track objects) – Track features to store in a shape file

  • outputFile (str) – Path to output file destination

  • netcdf_format (bool) – Whether tracks are in TCRM format


shapefile.ShapefileException if there is an error when attempting to save the file.

Utilities.tsmultipliers module

tsmultipliers – apply site-exposure multipliers to time series output


Process a set of timeseries files to include the multiplier values.

The combined multiplier values are stored in a shape file as fields, and records are keyed by the same code that is used to select stations for sampling.


config_file (str) – Path to a configuration file.


Parse command line arguments and call the main() function.

tsmultiply(inputFile, multipliers, outputFile)

Apply multipliers to a single file. Values are combined then written back to the source file.

  • inputFile (str) – Path to the input timeseries file. This will need to contain the values of the three multipliers (topography, terrain and shielding) for each of eight directions.

  • multipliers (tuple) – The eight combined multiplier values for the location.

  • outputFile (str) – Destination for the processed file.


The records corresponding to the maximum (localised) wind speed and minimum pressure.

Utilities.version module

version – provide details of software version


Execute the given command with git


command (str) – A valid git command.


Output from the given command.

Return type



Check status TCRM of code.


A message containing a listing of recent changes to the model code.

Return type



Check version of TCRM code.


Current git commit hash and the date/time of the commit.

Return type



subprocess.CalledProcessError if the git command fails.


This requires git to be installed to execute.

Utilities.vorticity module

absolute(u, v, x, y)
can_use_sphere(longitude, latitude)

Test if can use sphere package.

Calling Sequence:

Result = can_use_sphere(longitude, latitude)

Note that Result is a 3-element tuple, not a scalar. See the description below for details.

Test if the longitude-latitude domain and Python package configur- ation allows use of the NCAR SPHEREPACK 3.0 package. Specifically the function tests:

  1. Can you import sphere?

  2. Is the longitude vector evenly spaced?

  3. Does the longitude vector entirely span the globe, but doesn’t repeat?

  4. Is the latitude vector gaussian? If not, is it evenly spaced and includes the poles?

If the answer to (1) is no, then there’s no use to go through the other tests and the function return tuple element [0] is 0. If (2) or (3) is no, return tuple element [0] is 0. If (4) is both not gaussian and not evenly spaced with the poles, return tuple element [0] is 0. Otherwise, return tuple element [0] is 1. Note that (4) uses the latitude checker in the sphere package.

Method Arguments: * longitude: Vector of longitudes of the domain [deg]. Can be

in any order, and a Numeric array or regular list/tuple.

  • latitude: Vector of latitudes of the domain [deg]. Can be in any order, and a Numeric array or regular list/tuple.

Output Result: * A 3-element tuple:

[0]: 1 if the longitude-latitude domain and Python package

configuration passes tests to allow use of the NCAR SPHEREPACK 3.0 package. 0 if does not pass those tests.

[1]: String containing messages written to stdout by calls to

module sphere used for checking latitude (e.g. if it is gaussian, etc.). If there are no messages or there were no calls needed to sphere for checking latitude, value is empty string.

[2]: Same as [1] except contains stderr messages.

Examples: >>> from can_use_sphere import can_use_sphere >>> import numpy as np >>> lon = np.arange(36)*10 >>> lat = [-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90] >>> can_use_sphere(lon, lat)[0] 1 >>> lat = [-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 87] >>> can_use_sphere(lon, lat)[0] 0 >>> can_use_sphere(lon, lat)[1].splitlines()[1] ‘CANNOT PROCESS THE DATA - Latitude values are incorrect’

curl_2d(x, y, Fx, Fy, missing=1e+20, algorithm='default', R_sphere=6371220.0)

Curl of a vector F on a 2-D “rectangular” grid.

The 2-D grid F is defined on is rectangular, meaning that while the grid spacings do not have to be even, each grid box is rectangular and grid boundaries are rectilinear and parallel to each other. If the 2-D grid is on a sphere, we assume that lines of constant longitude and latitude form grids that are rectangular (though in reality this is not strictly true).

Since F does not have a z-component, the curl of F is positive pointing as a normal out of the plane defined by the basis for x and y.

Positional Input Arguments: * x: x-coordinate of each F. 1-D Numeric array with number of

elements equal to the number of columns in array F. Typically x is in km, or on a sphere the longitude in deg. Floating or integer type.

  • y: y-coordinate of each F. 1-D Numeric array with number of elements equal to the number of rows in array F. Typically y is in km, or on a sphere the latitude in deg. Floating or integer type.

  • Fx: x-component of vector quantity F. 2-D Numeric array of shape (len(y), len(x)). Floating or integer type.

  • Fy: y-component of vector quantity F. 2-D Numeric array of same shape and size as Fx. Floating or integer type.

Keyword Input Arguments: * missing: If Fx and/or Fy has missing values, this is the

missing value value. Scalar. Default is 1e+20.

  • algorithm: Name of the algorithm to use. String scalar. Default is ‘default’. Possible values include:

    • ‘default’: Default method. Algorithm ‘order1_cartesian’ is used.

    • ‘default_spherical’: If ‘spherepack’ can be used, chooses that method. Otherwise ‘order1_spherical’ is used. Either way this option assumes the domain is on a sphere of radius equal to keyword R_sphere.

    • ‘order1_cartesian’: First-order finite-differencing (back- ward and forward differencing used at the endpoints, and centered differencing used everywhere else). If abscissa intervals are irregular, differencing will be correspon- dingly asymmetric. Grid is assumed Cartesian. The curl returned is in units of F divided by the units of x and y (x and y must be in the same units).

    • ‘order1_spherical’: First-order finite-differencing (back- ward and forward differencing used at the endpoints, and centered differencing used everywhere else). If abscissa intervals are irregular, differencing will be correspon- dingly asymmetric. Grid is assumed spherical and x and y are longitude and latitude (in deg). The curl returned is in units of F divided by units of R_sphere. Note because of singularities in the algorithm near the poles, the curl for all points north of 88N or south of 88S latitude are set to missing.

    • ‘spherepack’: The NCAR package SPHEREPACK 3.0 is used for calculating the curl. The spatial domain is the global sphere; x and y are longitude and latitude (in deg), respectively; x must be evenly spaced and y must be gauss- ian or evenly spaced. The domain must cover the entire sphere and x and y must be longitude and latitude, respec- tively, in deg. There can be no missing values. The algorithm also assumes that x and y are monotonically in- creasing from index 0. The curl returned is in units of F divided by m. Thus, if F is velocity in m/s, the curl of F is in units 1/s (and is the vorticity). Note that in this function’s implementation, the final curl output using algorithm ‘spherepack’ is adjusted for R_sphere not equal to the default mean earth radius, if appropriate, so this algorithm can be used on other planets.

      Note that SPHEREPACK operates on single precision floating point (Float32) values. This function silently converts input to Float32 for the computations, as needed (the input parameters are not altered, however).

  • R_sphere: If the grid is the surface of a sphere, this is the radius of the sphere. This keyword is only used when the algorithm is ‘order1_spherical’ or ‘spherepack’ (either chosen explicitly by the algorithm keyword or automatically when ‘default_spherical’ is used). Default value is the “mean” radius of the Earth, in meters. “Mean” is in quotes because this value changes depending on what you consider the mean; the default in this function is the same Earth radius used in module sphere. Note that if the level is a distance z above the “mean” radius of the earth, R_sphere should be set to the “mean” radius plus z.

    Value can be a scalar or a Numeric or MA array of the same size and shape as Fx. If keyword is an array, the value of R_sphere for each element corresponds to the same location as in the Fx and Fy arrays; there should also be no missing values in R_sphere (function doesn’t check for this, however).

Output: * Curl of F. Units depend on algorithm used to calculate curl

(see above discussion of keyword algorithm). Numeric array of same shape as Fx and Fy inputs.

If there are missing values, those elements in the output that used missing values in the calculation of the curl are set to the value in keyword missing. If there are missing values in the output due to math errors and keyword missing is set to None, output will fill those missing values with the MA default value of 1e+20.

References: * Glickman, T. S. (Ed.) (2000): “Curl,” Glossary of Meteorology,

Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society, ISBN 1-878220- 34-9.

Example of a synthetic dataset of winds. The curl is the vorti- city. Images of the wind field and the vorticity are online at http://www.johnny-lin.com/py_pkgs/gemath/doc/test_curl_2d_add.html. Velocity at y greater than 60 and less than -60 are set to 0, to prevent spectral algorithms from giving errors at the poles. Tiny values less than 1e-10 are also set to 0:

  1. Import statements and create data:

>>> import Numeric as N
>>> from curl_2d import curl_2d
>>> nx = 181
>>> ny = 91
>>> x = N.arange(nx) * 2.0 - 180.0
>>> y = N.arange(ny) * 2.0 - 90.0
>>> y_2d = N.reshape( N.repeat(y, nx), (ny, nx) )
>>> x_2d = N.reshape( N.repeat(N.reshape(x,(1,nx)), ny), (ny, nx) )
>>> u = N.sin(x_2d*N.pi/180.)*N.sin((y_2d-90.)*N.pi/30.)
>>> v = N.sin((x_2d-30.)*N.pi/180.)*N.sin((y_2d-90.)*N.pi/30.)
>>> N.putmask( u, N.where(N.absolute(u) < 1e-10, 1, 0), 0. )
>>> N.putmask( v, N.where(N.absolute(v) < 1e-10, 1, 0), 0. )
>>> N.putmask( u, N.where(N.absolute(y_2d) > 60., 1, 0), 0. )
>>> N.putmask( v, N.where(N.absolute(y_2d) > 60., 1, 0), 0. )
  1. Use order 1 Cartesian algorithm: If x and y are in meters, and u and v are in m/s, the curl is in 1/s:

>>> curl = curl_2d(x, y, u, v, algorithm='order1_cartesian')
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[45,i] for i in range(88,92)]
['-0.007251593', '-0.003628007', '0', '0.003628007']
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[0,i]  for i in range(8,12)]
['0', '0', '0', '0']
  1. Use spectral method from SPHEREPACK (need to first remove the repeating dateline point from the domain). Here we take x and y in deg, while u and v are in m/s. If so the curl is in 1/s. These results as much less than for example (b) above since the domain is much larger:

>>> x = x[0:-1]
>>> u = u[:,0:-1]
>>> v = v[:,0:-1]
>>> curl = curl_2d(x, y, u, v, algorithm='spherepack')
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[45,i] for i in range(88,92)]
['-6.436402e-08', '-3.220152e-08', '1.33852e-13', '3.220165e-08']
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[0,i]  for i in range(8,12)]
['-2.299736e-20', '-4.806512e-21', '-9.283145e-22', '-1.368445e-20']
  1. Use order 1 spherical algorithm: x and y are in deg and u and v are in m/s. The curl is in 1/s. Note that these results are nearly identical to those from SPHEREPACK, except near the poles the values are set to missing:

>>> curl = curl_2d(x, y, u, v, algorithm='order1_spherical')
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[45,i] for i in range(88,92)]
['-6.517317e-08', '-3.260645e-08', '0', '3.260645e-08']
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[0,i]  for i in range(8,12)]
['1e+20', '1e+20', '1e+20', '1e+20']
  1. Use “default” algorithm, which for this domain chooses the order 1 cartesian algorithm:

>>> curl = curl_2d(x, y, u, v, algorithm='default')
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[45,i] for i in range(88,92)]
['-0.007251593', '-0.003628007', '0', '0.003628007']
  1. Use “default_spherical” algorithm with missing data (equal to 1e+20), which because of the missing data will choose the order 1 spherical algorithm. We also do the calculation on Mars, and illustrate passing in the radius as a constant as well as an array of the same size and shape as u and v:

>>> u[30:46,90:114] = 1e+20
>>> curl = curl_2d( x, y, u, v, algorithm='default_spherical'                       , R_sphere=3390e+3)
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[45,i] for i in range(88,92)]
['-1.224875e-07', '-6.128107e-08', '1e+20', '1e+20']
>>> R_mars = N.zeros(u.shape, typecode=N.Float) + 3390e+3
>>> curl = curl_2d( x, y, u, v, algorithm='default_spherical'                       , R_sphere=R_mars )
>>> ['%.7g' % curl[45,i] for i in range(88,92)]
['-1.224875e-07', '-6.128107e-08', '1e+20', '1e+20']
deriv(*args, **kwargs)

Calculate the derivative along a single dimension.

Calling Sequence:

Result = deriv([x_in,] y_in, missing=1e+20, algorithm=’default’)

Positional Input Arguments: * x_in: Abscissa values of y_in to take with respect to. If

not set, the derivative of y_in is take with respect to unit abscissa intervals. Numeric array of same shape and size as y_in. Must be monotonic and with no duplicate values. Optional. First positional argument out of two, if present.

  • y_in: Ordinate values, to take the derivative with respect to. Numeric array vector of rank 1. Required. Second posi- tional argument, if x_in is present; only positional argument if x_in is absent.

Keyword Input Arguments: * missing: If y_in and/or x_in has missing values, this is the

missing value value. Scalar. Default is 1e+20.

  • algorithm: Name of the algorithm to use. String scalar. Default is ‘default’. Possible values include: + ‘default’: Default method (currently set to ‘order1’). + ‘order1’: First-order finite-differencing (backward and

    forward differencing used at the endpoints, and centered differencing used everywhere else). If abscissa intervals are irregular, differencing will be correspondingly asym- metric.

Output Result: * Derivative of y_in with respect to x_in (or unit interval

abscissa, if x_in is not given). Numeric array of same shape and size as y_in. If there are missing values, those elements in the output are set to the value in |missing|. For instance, if y_in is only one element, a one-element vector is returned as the derivative with the value of |missing|. If there are missing values in the output due to math errors and |missing| is set to None, output will fill those missing values with the MA default value of 1e+20.

References: * Press, W. H., et al. (1992): Numerical Recipes in Fortran

77: The Art of Scientific Computing. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 180-184.

  • Wang, Y. (1999): “Numerical Differentiation,” Introduction to MHD Numerical Simulation in Space, ESS265: Instrumentation, Data Processing and Data Analysis in Space Physics (UCLA). URL: http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/personnel/russell/ESS265/ Ch10/ylwang/node21.html.

Example with one argument, no missing values, using the default method: >>> from deriv import deriv >>> import Numeric as N >>> y = N.sin(N.arange(8)) >>> dydx = deriv(y) >>> [‘%.7g’ % dydx[i] for i in range(4)] [‘0.841471’, ‘0.4546487’, ‘-0.3501755’, ‘-0.83305’] >>> true = N.cos(N.arange(8)) #- Compare with exact solution >>> [‘%.7g’ % true[i] for i in range(4)] [‘1’, ‘0.5403023’, ‘-0.4161468’, ‘-0.9899925’]

Example with two arguments with missing values, using first- order differencing: >>> x = N.arange(8)/(2.*N.pi) >>> y = N.sin(x) >>> y[3] = 1e20 #- Set an element to missing value >>> dydx = deriv(x, y, missing=1e20, algorithm=’order1’) >>> [‘%.7g’ % dydx[i] for i in range(5)] [‘0.9957836’, ‘0.9831985’, ‘1e+20’, ‘0.8844179’, ‘1e+20’] >>> true = N.cos(x) #- Compare with exact solution >>> [‘%.7g’ % true[i] for i in range(5)] [‘1’, ‘0.9873616’, ‘0.9497657’, ‘0.8881628’, ‘0.8041098’]

has_close(data, value, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)

Test if data has any values “equal” to value.

Returns 1 if any of the elements of argument data has a value “equal” to argument value; returns 0 otherwise. If data or value is floating point, “equal” means where abs(data-value) <= atol + rtol * abs(value). This is essentially the same algorithm used in the Numeric function allclose. If data and value are integer, “equal” means strict equality.

Positional Input Arguments: * data: Data. Scalar or Numeric array, Python list/tuple of

any size and shape. Floating or integer type.

  • value: Test value. Scalar or 1 element Numeric array, list,

    or tuple. Floating or integer type.

Keyword Input Arguments: * rtol: “Relative” tolerance. Default is 1.e-5. Used in the

comparison between data and value only if the two are floating point. Floating or integer type.

  • atol: “Absolute” tolerance. Default is 1.e-8. Used in the

    comparison between data and value only if the two are floating point. Floating or integer type.

Examples: >>> from has_close import has_close >>> data = [20., -32., -1., 2., 5., 29.] >>> has_close(data, -1.) 1 >>> has_close(data, 10.) 0

relative(u, v, x, y)