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KFState_ Struct Reference

Kalman filter object. More...

Detailed Description

Kalman filter object.

Contains most persistent parameters and values of state. Includes state vector, covariance, and process noise.

This object performs all operations on the kalman filter to ensure that edge cases are included and state kept in a valid configuration.

Inheritance diagram for KFState_:
Collaboration diagram for KFState_:

Data Fields

bool lsqRequired = false
 Uninitialised parameters require least squares calculation.
GTime time = {}
VectorXd x
MatrixXd P
 State Covariance.
VectorXd dx
 Last filter update.
map< KFKey, intkfIndexMap
 Map from key to indexes of parameters in the state vector.
map< KFKey, map< KFKey, map< int, double > > > stateTransitionMap
map< KFKey, double > gaussMarkovTauMap
map< KFKey, double > gaussMarkovMuMap
map< KFKey, double > procNoiseMap
map< KFKey, double > initNoiseMap
map< KFKey, double > sigmaMaxMap
map< KFKey, double > outageLimitMap
map< KFKey, ExponentialexponentialNoiseMap
map< KFKey, map< KFKey, double > > pseudoStateMap
 Map of pseudo states, and a further map of their coefficients.
map< KFKey, KFKeypseudoParentMap
 Map from ordinary states to their combined pseudo state parent.
vector< StateRejectCallbackstateRejectCallbacks
vector< MeasRejectCallbackmeasRejectCallbacks
map< string, FilterChunkfilterChunkMap
map< string, string > metaDataMap
bool chiQCPass = false
double chi = 0
int dof = 0
string id = "KFState"
string rts_basename = ""
bool output_residuals = false
bool outputMongoMeasurements = false
KFStatealternate_ptr = nullptr
map< string, intstatisticsMap
map< string, intstatisticsMapSum
- Data Fields inherited from FilterOptions
bool simulate_filter_only = false
bool assume_linearity = false
bool advanced_postfits = false
bool joseph_stabilisation = false
E_Inverter inverter = E_Inverter::LDLT
PrefitOptions prefitOpts
PostfitOptions postfitOpts
ChiSquareOptions chiSquareTest
- Data Fields inherited from RtsOptions
string rts_filename = "<RTS_DIRECTORY>/Filter-<RECEIVER>.rts"
string rts_directory = "./"
int rts_lag = -1
int rts_interval = 0
string rts_smoothed_suffix = "_smoothed"
bool queue_rts_outputs = false
E_Inverter rts_inverter = E_Inverter::LDLT

Field Documentation

◆ alternate_ptr

KFState* KFState_::alternate_ptr = nullptr

◆ chi

double KFState_::chi = 0

◆ chiQCPass

bool KFState_::chiQCPass = false

◆ dof

int KFState_::dof = 0

◆ dx

VectorXd KFState_::dx

Last filter update.

◆ exponentialNoiseMap

map<KFKey, Exponential> KFState_::exponentialNoiseMap

◆ filterChunkMap

map<string, FilterChunk> KFState_::filterChunkMap

◆ gaussMarkovMuMap

map<KFKey, double> KFState_::gaussMarkovMuMap

◆ gaussMarkovTauMap

map<KFKey, double> KFState_::gaussMarkovTauMap

◆ id

string KFState_::id = "KFState"

◆ initNoiseMap

map<KFKey, double> KFState_::initNoiseMap

◆ kfIndexMap

map<KFKey, int> KFState_::kfIndexMap

Map from key to indexes of parameters in the state vector.

◆ lsqRequired

bool KFState_::lsqRequired = false

Uninitialised parameters require least squares calculation.

◆ measRejectCallbacks

vector<MeasRejectCallback> KFState_::measRejectCallbacks

◆ metaDataMap

map<string, string> KFState_::metaDataMap

◆ outageLimitMap

map<KFKey, double> KFState_::outageLimitMap

◆ output_residuals

bool KFState_::output_residuals = false

◆ outputMongoMeasurements

bool KFState_::outputMongoMeasurements = false

◆ P

MatrixXd KFState_::P

State Covariance.

◆ procNoiseMap

map<KFKey, double> KFState_::procNoiseMap

◆ pseudoParentMap

map<KFKey, KFKey> KFState_::pseudoParentMap

Map from ordinary states to their combined pseudo state parent.

◆ pseudoStateMap

map<KFKey, map<KFKey, double> > KFState_::pseudoStateMap

Map of pseudo states, and a further map of their coefficients.

◆ rts_basename

string KFState_::rts_basename = ""

◆ sigmaMaxMap

map<KFKey, double> KFState_::sigmaMaxMap

◆ stateRejectCallbacks

vector<StateRejectCallback> KFState_::stateRejectCallbacks

◆ stateTransitionMap

map<KFKey, map<KFKey, map<int, double> > > KFState_::stateTransitionMap

◆ statisticsMap

map<string, int> KFState_::statisticsMap

◆ statisticsMapSum

map<string, int> KFState_::statisticsMapSum

◆ time

GTime KFState_::time = {}

◆ x

VectorXd KFState_::x


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