General options object to be used throughout the software.
vector< YAML::Node > | yamls |
map< string, YamlDefault > | yamlDefaults |
map< string, bool > | availableOptions |
map< string, map< string, bool > > | foundOptions |
mutex | configMutex |
map< string, set< string > > | customAliasesMap |
vector< string > | configFilenames |
vector< string > | includedFilenames |
map< string, std::filesystem::file_time_type > | configModifyTimeMap |
boost::program_options::variables_map | commandOpts |
unordered_map< string, SatelliteOptions > | satOptsMap |
unordered_map< string, ReceiverOptions > | recOptsMap |
PropagationOptions | propagationOptions |
PreprocOptions | preprocOpts |
MinimumConstraintOptions | minconOpts |
SsrInOptions | ssrInOpts |
SbsInOptions | sbsInOpts |
AmbROptions | ambrOpts |
SsrOptions | ssrOpts |
PppOptions | pppOpts |
SppOptions | sppOpts |
SlrOptions | slrOpts |
ExcludeOptions | exclude |
StateErrorHandler | stateErrors |
MeasErrorHandler | measErrors |
AmbiguityErrorHandler | ambErrors |
SatelliteErrorHandler | satelliteErrors |
IonoErrorHandler | ionErrors |
ErrorAccumulationHandler | errorAccumulation |
IonModelOptions | ionModelOpts |
MongoOptions | mongoOpts |
NetworkOptions | netOpts |
int | sleep_milliseconds = 50 |
double | epoch_interval = 1 |
double | epoch_tolerance = 0.5 |
int | max_epochs = 0 |
int | leap_seconds = -1 |
boost::posix_time::ptime | start_epoch { boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time } |
boost::posix_time::ptime | end_epoch { boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time } |
string | config_description = "Pea" |
string | config_details |
string | analysis_agency = "GAA" |
string | analysis_centre = "Geoscience Australia" |
string | analysis_software = "Ginan" |
string | analysis_software_version = "3.0" |
string | ac_contact = "" |
string | rinex_comment = "Daily 30-sec observations from IGS stations" |
string | reference_system = "igb14" |
string | time_system = "G" |
string | ocean_tide_loading_model = "FES2004" |
string | atmospheric_tide_loading_model = "---" |
string | geoid_model = "EGM96" |
string | gradient_mapping_function = "Chen & Herring, 1992" |
bool | simulate_real_time = false |
bool | process_preprocessor = true |
bool | process_spp = true |
bool | process_minimum_constraints = false |
bool | process_ionosphere = false |
bool | process_rts = false |
bool | process_ppp = false |
bool | process_orbits = false |
map< E_Sys, bool > | process_sys |
map< E_Sys, bool > | solve_amb_for |
bool | process_meas [NUM_MEAS_TYPES] = {true, true} |
map< E_Sys, bool > | reject_eclipse |
string | reference_clock = "NO_REFERENCE" |
string | reference_bias = "NO_REFERENCE" |
string | pivot_receiver = "NO_REFERENCE" |
bool | interpolate_rec_pco = true |
bool | auto_fill_pco = true |
bool | require_apriori_positions = false |
bool | require_site_eccentricity = false |
bool | require_sinex_data = false |
bool | require_antenna_details = false |
bool | require_reflector_com = false |
bool | use_tgd_bias = false |
double | wait_next_epoch = 0 |
double | max_rec_latency = 0 |
bool | require_obs = true |
bool | assign_closest_epoch = false |
bool | delete_old_ephemerides = true |
double | validity_interval_factor = 10 |
E_OffsetType | ssr_input_antenna_offset = E_OffsetType::UNSPECIFIED |
map< E_Sys, vector< E_ObsCode > > | code_priorities |
map< E_Sys, E_NavMsgType > | used_nav_types |
| Default observation codes on L1 for IF combination based satellite clocks.
vector< E_ObsCode > | code_priorities_default |
double | fixed_phase_bias_var = 0.01 |
bool | adjust_rec_clocks_by_spp = true |
bool | adjust_clocks_for_jumps_only = false |
bool | minimise_sat_clock_offsets = false |
bool | minimise_sat_orbit_offsets = false |
bool | minimise_ionosphere_offsets = false |
map< E_Sys, bool > | receiver_amb_pivot |
| fix one ambiguity to eliminate rank deficiency
map< E_Sys, bool > | network_amb_pivot |
| fix ambiguities to eliminate network rank deficiencies
map< E_Sys, bool > | use_for_iono_model |
| use system for ionospheric modelling
map< E_Sys, bool > | use_iono_corrections |
| use system for ionospheric modelling
map< E_Sys, bool > | constrain_best_ambiguity_integer |
map< E_Sys, string > | constrain_clock |
map< E_Sys, string > | constrain_phase_bias |
bool | common_sat_pco = false |
bool | common_rec_pco = false |
bool | use_trop_corrections = false |
double | predefined_fail = 0.001 |
string | inputs_root = "." |
bool | allow_missing_inputs = false |
string | gnss_obs_root = "<INPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | pseudo_obs_root = "<INPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | custom_pseudo_obs_root = "<INPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | sat_data_root = "<INPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | rtcm_inputs_root = "<SAT_DATA_ROOT>" |
string | sisnet_inputs_root = "<SAT_DATA_ROOT>" |
vector< string > | atx_files |
vector< string > | snx_files |
vector< string > | nav_files |
vector< string > | sp3_files |
vector< string > | clk_files |
vector< string > | obx_files |
vector< string > | sid_files |
vector< string > | com_files |
vector< string > | crd_files |
vector< string > | vmf_files |
vector< string > | erp_files |
vector< string > | dcb_files |
vector< string > | bsx_files |
vector< string > | ion_files |
vector< string > | igrf_files |
vector< string > | egm_files |
vector< string > | cmc_files |
vector< string > | hfeop_files |
vector< string > | gpt2grid_files |
vector< string > | orography_files |
vector< string > | pseudo_filter_files |
vector< string > | atm_reg_definitions |
vector< string > | space_weather_files |
vector< string > | planetary_ephemeris_files |
vector< string > | ocean_tide_potential_files |
vector< string > | atmos_tide_potential_files |
vector< string > | ocean_tide_loading_blq_files |
vector< string > | atmos_tide_loading_blq_files |
vector< string > | ocean_pole_tide_loading_files |
vector< string > | atmos_ocean_dealiasing_files |
vector< string > | ocean_pole_tide_potential_files |
vector< string > | sisnet_inputs |
vector< string > | nav_rtcm_inputs |
vector< string > | qzs_rtcm_inputs |
map< string, vector< string > > | rnx_inputs |
map< string, vector< string > > | ubx_inputs |
map< string, vector< string > > | custom_inputs |
map< string, vector< string > > | obs_rtcm_inputs |
map< string, vector< string > > | pseudo_sp3_inputs |
map< string, vector< string > > | pseudo_snx_inputs |
vector< E_TidalComponent > | atl_blq_row_order = {E_TidalComponent::UP, E_TidalComponent::EAST, E_TidalComponent::NORTH} |
vector< E_TidalComponent > | otl_blq_row_order = {E_TidalComponent::UP, E_TidalComponent::WEST, E_TidalComponent::SOUTH} |
vector< E_TidalConstituent > | atl_blq_col_order |
vector< E_TidalConstituent > | otl_blq_col_order |
bool | eci_pseudoobs = false |
string | stream_user |
string | stream_pass |
string | outputs_root = "." |
int | fatal_level = 0 |
double | rotate_period = 60*60*24 |
int | trace_level = 0 |
bool | output_receiver_trace = false |
bool | output_network_trace = false |
bool | output_ionosphere_trace = false |
bool | output_satellite_trace = false |
bool | output_json_trace = false |
string | trace_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | receiver_trace_filename = "<TRACE_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.trace" |
string | receiver_json_filename = "<TRACE_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.json" |
string | network_trace_filename = "<TRACE_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.trace" |
string | ionosphere_trace_filename = "<TRACE_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.trace" |
string | satellite_trace_filename = "<TRACE_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.trace" |
bool | record_raw_ubx = false |
string | raw_ubx_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | raw_ubx_filename = "<UBX_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>-OBS.rtcm" |
bool | record_raw_custom = false |
string | raw_custom_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | raw_custom_filename = "<CUSTOM_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>-OBS.custom" |
bool | record_rtcm_obs = false |
bool | record_rtcm_nav = false |
string | rtcm_obs_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | rtcm_nav_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | rtcm_obs_filename = "<RTCM_OBS_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>-OBS.rtcm" |
string | rtcm_nav_filename = "<RTCM_NAV_DIRECTORY>/<STREAM>-<LOGTIME>-NAV.rtcm" |
bool | output_log = false |
bool | log_json = true |
string | log_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | log_filename = "<LOG_DIRECTORY>/log-<LOGTIME>.json" |
bool | output_ntrip_log = false |
string | ntrip_log_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | ntrip_log_filename = "<NTRIP_LOG_DIRECTORY>/ntrip_log-<LOGTIME>.json" |
bool | output_gpx = false |
string | gpx_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | gpx_filename = "<GPX_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.gpx" |
bool | output_pos = false |
string | pos_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | pos_filename = "<POS_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>.pos" |
string | root_stream_url = "" |
bool | output_predicted_states = false |
bool | output_initialised_states = false |
bool | output_residuals = false |
bool | output_residual_chain = true |
bool | output_statistics = false |
bool | output_summaries = false |
bool | output_config = false |
bool | colourise_terminal = true |
bool | warn_once = true |
bool | output_clocks = false |
vector< E_Source > | clocks_receiver_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} |
vector< E_Source > | clocks_satellite_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} |
double | clocks_output_interval = 1 |
string | clocks_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | clocks_filename = "<CLOCKS_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_<SYS>.clk" |
bool | output_sp3 = false |
bool | output_inertial_orbits = false |
bool | output_sp3_velocities = false |
vector< E_Source > | sp3_orbit_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} |
vector< E_Source > | sp3_clock_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} |
double | sp3_output_interval = 1 |
string | sp3_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | sp3_filename = "<SP3_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_<SYS>-Filt.sp3" |
string | predicted_sp3_filename = "<SP3_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_<SYS>-Prop.sp3" |
bool | output_orbex = false |
vector< E_Source > | orbex_orbit_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} |
vector< E_Source > | orbex_clock_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} |
vector< E_Source > | orbex_attitude_sources = {E_Source::NOMINAL} |
double | orbex_output_interval = 1 |
string | orbex_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | orbex_filename = "<ORBEX_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_<SYS>.obx" |
vector< E_OrbexRecord > | orbex_record_types = {E_OrbexRecord::ATT} |
bool | split_sys = false |
bool | output_rinex_obs = false |
string | rinex_obs_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | rinex_obs_filename = "<RINEX_OBS_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>-<LOGTIME>_<SYS>.<YY>O" |
double | rinex_obs_version = 3.05 |
bool | rinex_obs_print_C_code = true |
bool | rinex_obs_print_L_code = true |
bool | rinex_obs_print_D_code = true |
bool | rinex_obs_print_S_code = true |
bool | output_ionex = false |
string | ionex_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | ionex_filename = "<IONEX_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>.INX" |
IonexOptions | ionexGrid |
bool | output_rinex_nav = false |
string | rinex_nav_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | rinex_nav_filename = "<RINEX_NAV_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_nav_<SYS>.rnx" |
double | rinex_nav_version = 3.05 |
bool | output_ionstec = false |
string | ionstec_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | ionstec_filename = "<IONSTEC_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>.STEC" |
bool | output_erp = false |
string | erp_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | erp_filename = "<ERP_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>.ERP" |
bool | output_bias_sinex = false |
string | bias_sinex_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | bias_sinex_filename = "<BIAS_SINEX_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>.BIA" |
string | bias_time_system = "G" |
bool | output_sinex = false |
string | sinex_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | sinex_filename = "<SINEX_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>.snx" |
bool | output_trop_sinex = false |
vector< E_Source > | trop_sinex_data_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN} |
string | trop_sinex_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | trop_sinex_filename = "<TROP_SINEX_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>.tro" |
string | trop_sinex_sol_type = "Solution parameters" |
char | trop_sinex_obs_code = 'P' |
char | trop_sinex_const_code = ' ' |
double | trop_sinex_version = 2.0 |
bool | output_cost = false |
vector< E_Source > | cost_data_sources = {E_Source::KALMAN} |
string | cost_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | cost_filename = "<COST_DIRECTORY>/cost_s_t_<LOGTIME>_<RECEIVER>_ga__.dat" |
int | cost_time_interval = 900 |
string | cost_format = "COST-716 V2.2" |
string | cost_project = "GA-NRT" |
string | cost_status = "TEST" |
string | cost_centre = "GA__ Geoscience Aus" |
string | cost_method = "GINAN V2" |
string | cost_orbit_type = "IGSPRE" |
string | cost_met_source = "NONE" |
bool | output_slr_obs = false |
string | slr_obs_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | slr_obs_filename = "<SLR_OBS_DIRECTORY>/<RECEIVER>.slr_obs" |
bool | output_orbit_ics = false |
string | orbit_ics_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | orbit_ics_filename = "<ORBIT_ICS_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>-orbits.yaml" |
bool | output_sbas_ems = false |
string | ems_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | ems_filename = "<EMS_DIRECTORY>/y<YYYY>/d<DDD>/h<HH>.ems" |
bool | output_decoded_rtcm_json = false |
string | decoded_rtcm_json_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | decoded_rtcm_json_filename = "<DECODED_RTCM_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_rtcm_decoded.json" |
bool | output_encoded_rtcm_json = false |
string | encoded_rtcm_json_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | encoded_rtcm_json_filename = "<ENCODED_RTCM_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_rtcm_encoded.json" |
bool | output_network_statistics_json = false |
string | network_statistics_json_directory = "<OUTPUTS_ROOT>" |
string | network_statistics_json_filename = "<NETWORK_STATISTICS_DIRECTORY>/<CONFIG>-<LOGTIME>_network_statistics.json" |
bool | mincon_only = false |
bool | output_mincon = false |
string | mincon_filename = "preMinconState.bin" |
bool | check_plumbing = false |
bool | retain_rts_files = false |
bool | rts_only = false |
bool | explain_measurements = false |
bool | compare_orbits = false |
bool | compare_clocks = false |
bool | compare_attitudes = false |
bool | check_broadcast_differences = false |