No Matches
SatelliteOptions Struct Reference

Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual satellites. More...

Detailed Description

Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual satellites.

Inheritance diagram for SatelliteOptions:
Collaboration diagram for SatelliteOptions:

Public Member Functions

SatelliteOptionsoperator+= (const SatelliteOptions &rhs)
void uninitialiseInheritors ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SatelliteKalmans
SatelliteKalmansoperator+= (const SatelliteKalmans &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CommonKalmans
CommonKalmansoperator+= (const CommonKalmans &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from InertialKalmans
InertialKalmansoperator+= (const InertialKalmans &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from EmpKalmans
EmpKalmansoperator+= (const EmpKalmans &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CommonOptions
CommonOptionsoperator+= (const CommonOptions &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from OrbitOptions
OrbitOptionsoperator+= (const OrbitOptions &rhs)

Data Fields

bool _initialised = false
string id
E_NoiseModel error_model = E_NoiseModel::UNIFORM
double code_sigma = 0
double phase_sigma = 0
map< string, SatelliteOptions * > inheritors
map< string, SatelliteOptions * > inheritedFrom
map< int, bool > initialisedMap
- Data Fields inherited from CommonKalmans
KalmanModel pos
KalmanModel pos_rate
KalmanModel orbit
KalmanModel clk
KalmanModel clk_rate
KalmanModel code_bias
KalmanModel phase_bias
KalmanModel pco
KalmanModel ant_delta
KalmanModel cr
KalmanModel cd
- Data Fields inherited from InertialKalmans
KalmanModel accelerometer_scale
KalmanModel accelerometer_bias
KalmanModel orientation
KalmanModel imu_offset
KalmanModel gyro_scale
KalmanModel gyro_bias
- Data Fields inherited from EmpKalmans
KalmanModel emp_d_0
KalmanModel emp_d_1
KalmanModel emp_d_2
KalmanModel emp_d_3
KalmanModel emp_d_4
KalmanModel emp_y_0
KalmanModel emp_y_1
KalmanModel emp_y_2
KalmanModel emp_y_3
KalmanModel emp_y_4
KalmanModel emp_b_0
KalmanModel emp_b_1
KalmanModel emp_b_2
KalmanModel emp_b_3
KalmanModel emp_b_4
KalmanModel emp_r_0
KalmanModel emp_r_1
KalmanModel emp_r_2
KalmanModel emp_r_3
KalmanModel emp_r_4
KalmanModel emp_t_0
KalmanModel emp_t_1
KalmanModel emp_t_2
KalmanModel emp_t_3
KalmanModel emp_t_4
KalmanModel emp_n_0
KalmanModel emp_n_1
KalmanModel emp_n_2
KalmanModel emp_n_3
KalmanModel emp_n_4
KalmanModel emp_p_0
KalmanModel emp_p_1
KalmanModel emp_p_2
KalmanModel emp_p_3
KalmanModel emp_p_4
KalmanModel emp_q_0
KalmanModel emp_q_1
KalmanModel emp_q_2
KalmanModel emp_q_3
KalmanModel emp_q_4
- Data Fields inherited from CommonOptions
bool exclude = false
double pseudo_sigma = 100000
double laser_sigma = 0.5
vector< E_ObsCode > clock_codes = {}
vector< double > apriori_sigma_enu = {}
double mincon_scale_apriori_sigma = 1
double mincon_scale_filter_sigma = 0
Vector3d antenna_boresight = { 0, 0, +1}
Vector3d antenna_azimuth = { 0, +1, 0}
double ellipse_propagation_time_tolerance = 30
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
   vector< E_Source >   sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::CONFIG, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::SPP, E_Source::BROADCAST} 
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
   vector< E_Source >   sources = {E_Source::KALMAN, E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::BROADCAST} 
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
   vector< E_Source >   sources = {E_Source::PRECISE, E_Source::MODEL, E_Source::NOMINAL} 
   double   model_dt = 1 
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
   double   default_bias = 0 
   double   undefined_sigma = 0 
struct { 
   bool   enable = false 
   double   default_bias = 0 
   double   undefined_sigma = 0 
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
struct { 
   bool   enable = true 
map< int, bool > initialisedMap
- Data Fields inherited from OrbitOptions
double mass = 1000
double area = 20
double power = 20
double srp_cr = 1.25
double drag_cd = 2.2
vector< E_ThirdBody > planetary_perturbations = {E_ThirdBody::SUN, E_ThirdBody::MOON, E_ThirdBody::JUPITER }
bool empirical = true
bool antenna_thrust = true
E_SRPModel albedo = E_SRPModel::NONE
E_SRPModel solar_radiation_pressure = E_SRPModel::NONE
bool drag = false
vector< bool > empirical_dyb_eclipse = {true}
vector< bool > empirical_rtn_eclipse = {false}
vector< SurfaceDetailssurface_details
struct { 
   bool   enable = false 
   int   interval = 1 
   double   pos_proc_noise = 10 
   double   vel_proc_noise = 5 
map< int, bool > initialisedMap

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator+=()

SatelliteOptions & SatelliteOptions::operator+= ( const SatelliteOptions & rhs)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ uninitialiseInheritors()

void SatelliteOptions::uninitialiseInheritors ( )

Field Documentation

◆ _initialised

bool SatelliteOptions::_initialised = false

◆ code_sigma

double SatelliteOptions::code_sigma = 0

◆ error_model

E_NoiseModel SatelliteOptions::error_model = E_NoiseModel::UNIFORM

◆ id

string SatelliteOptions::id

◆ inheritedFrom

map<string, SatelliteOptions*> SatelliteOptions::inheritedFrom

◆ inheritors

map<string, SatelliteOptions*> SatelliteOptions::inheritors

◆ initialisedMap

map<int, bool> SatelliteOptions::initialisedMap

◆ phase_sigma

double SatelliteOptions::phase_sigma = 0

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: