No Matches
Automatically generated GINAN code documentation

‍For higher-level details of the Ginan project, visit the main documentation pages.

Software flow overview

Architectural documentation

The Ginan__() pseudo-function outlines the structure and flow of the software from a high level.

The color coded block diagram call-graphs may be used to step through the high-level flow before entering the lower-level logical functions. A Legend__() for the diagrams is found here.

Ginan program entry point

The ginan() function contains the main processing loop, which initialises required objects and synchronises input operations.

Per-epoch processing functions

The functions mainOncePerEpoch(), mainOncePerEpochPerStation(), and mainOncePerEpochPerSatellite() perform operations each epoch on enabled objects.

Main processing modes

The preprocessor(), spp(), and ppp() functions perform the majority of the GNSS-specific processing and filtering, with reveiverPPP() implementing most of the gnss models.

Key data structures used within the code include:

Observations and their signals

Receivers and Satellites

Global configuration object

Kalman filter structure

Satellite emphemeris and status