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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAttSatellite attitude
 CAttStatusPersistent data for yaw model
 CAzElMapData< TYPE >
 CAzElMapData< double >
 CCrdSessionSLR normal point data from a session within a CRD file
 CDebugOptionsOptions to be used only for debugging new features
 CEnumDetailsHelper object to output the use-cases and potential values for enum options
 CEOPEOP message
 CERPValuesEarth rotation parameter data type
 Cflt_tCycle slip repair filter
 CGeomagMainFieldStructure for variables related to the International Geomagnetic Reference Field 13th Generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field Schmidt semi-normalised spherical harmonic coefficients, degree n=1,13 in units nanoTesla for IGRF and definitive DGRF main-field models (degree n=1,8 nanoTesla/year for secular variation (SV))
 CGlobalOptionsOptions for the general operation of the software
 CGptGridGpt grid file contents
 CGTimeTime structure used throughout this software
 Cstd::hash< SatSys >
 CIndentorHelper object to allow push-pop style indentation in outputs
 CInitialStateObject to hold the values used to initialise new states when adding to the kalman filter object
 CInputOptionsInput source filenames and directories
 CIONIonosphere message
 CIonosphericOptionsOptions associated with the ionospheric modelling processing mode of operation
 CIteratorType< OUTTYPE, INTYPE, VOIDTYPE >An iterator that trys to cast elements to the desired type before using them
 CKalmanModelOptions associated with kalman filter states
 CKFKeyKeys used to interface with Kalman filter objects
 CKFMeasObject to hold measurements, design matrices, and residuals for multiple observations
 CKFMeasEntryObject to hold an individual measurement
 CloadGridImplementation of the class to manage the tides
 CMapIteratorType< OUTTYPE, INTYPE, KEYTYPE >An iterator that trys to cast elements to the desired type before using them
 CNavigationNavigation data type
 COceanPoleCoeffStructure for grid points of ocean pole load tide coefficients
 COceanPoleGridStructure for grid map of ocean pole load tide coefficients
 COrbexEntryORBEX entry to write out
 COrbexFileDataFile editing information for ORBEX writing
 COrbitOptionsOptions associated with orbital force models
 COutputOptionsEnabling and setting destiations of program outputs
 CPclkPrecise clock
 CRawSigRaw observation data from a receiver for a single frequency
 CRinex23ConversionRinex 2 conversions for individual receivers
 CSatPosSatellite position data - for determining and storing satellite positions/clocks
 CSatSysObject holding satellite id, and providing related functions
 CSigStatObject containing persistent status parameters of individual signals
 CSlrOptionsOptions for processing SLR observations
 CSolutionSolution of user mode processing functinos
 CSpaceWeatherDataSpace Weather data struct
 CSsrOptionsOptions associated with SSR corrections and exporting RTCM messages
 CStaticFieldStructure for variable and function related to the static gravity field
 CSTOSystem Time offset message
 CTempStreamDisablerHelper object to temporarily and automatically disable and reenable a stream when the object goes out of scope
 CTidalDisplacementStructure of ocean/atmospheric tide loading displacements in amplitude and phase
 CtideImplementation of the class to manage the tides
 CTyper< ITERATOR, TYPE, KEYTYPE, INTYPE >An object just for templating the other functions without over-verbosity
 CVmf3GridPointVmf3 grid file contents