CAmbiguityErrorHandler | |
CAmbROptions | |
CAod | |
CAodData | |
CArbitraryKVP | |
►CArray6d | |
CFundamentalArgs | |
CAtt | Satellite attitude |
CAttStatus | Persistent data for yaw model |
CAutoSender | |
CAverage | |
►CAzEl | |
CSatStat | Object containing persistent status parameters of individual satellites |
CAzElMapData< TYPE > | |
►CAzElMapData< double > | |
CPhaseCenterData | |
CBase64 | |
►Cboost::log::sinks::basic_formatted_sink_backend | |
CConsoleLog | |
CErrorExit | |
CFileLog | |
CMongoLogSinkBackend | |
CBiasEntry | |
CBiasVar | |
CBlock | |
►CBrdcEph | |
CEph | GPS/QZS/GAL/BDS broadcast ephemeris |
CGeph | GLONASS broadcast ephemeris |
CSeph | SBAS ephemeris |
CBspBasis | |
CCenterMassCorrections | |
CChiSquareOptions | |
CClkValues | |
CClockEntry | |
CCodeType | |
►CCommonKalmans | |
►CReceiverKalmans | |
CReceiverOptions | Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual receivers |
►CSatelliteKalmans | |
CSatelliteOptions | Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual satellites |
►CCommonOptions | |
CReceiverOptions | Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual receivers |
CSatelliteOptions | Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual satellites |
CComponentsDetails | |
CCrdSession | SLR normal point data from a session within a CRD file |
CDBEntry | |
►CDebugOptions | Options to be used only for debugging new features |
CACSConfig | General options object to be used throughout the software |
Cdescope | |
CDiscontinuityObject | |
CDops | |
►CDouble | |
CBTow | |
CGTow | |
CRTod | |
CDuo | |
CDuration | |
CEMP | |
►CEmpKalmans | |
CReceiverKalmans | |
CSatelliteKalmans | |
CEnumDetails | Helper object to output the use-cases and potential values for enum options |
CEOP | EOP message |
CEphValues | |
CERP | |
CERPValues | Earth rotation parameter data type |
CErrorAccumulationHandler | |
CExponential | |
CFilterChunk | |
Cflt_t | Cycle slip repair filter |
CFrameSwapper | |
►CGeomagMainField | Structure for variables related to the International Geomagnetic Reference Field 13th Generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field Schmidt semi-normalised spherical harmonic coefficients, degree n=1,13 in units nanoTesla for IGRF and definitive DGRF main-field models (degree n=1,8 nanoTesla/year for secular variation (SV)) |
CGeomagSecularVariation | Structure for secular variation (SV) inherited from GeomagMainField |
CGetSnxResult | |
CGinAR_mtx | |
CGinAR_opt | |
►CGlobalOptions | Options for the general operation of the software |
CACSConfig | General options object to be used throughout the software |
CGptGrid | Gpt grid file contents |
CGPTVals | |
CGTime | Time structure used throughout this software |
Cstd::hash< SatSys > | |
CHfOceanEop | |
CHfOceanEOPData | |
►CIcdDecoder | |
►CUbxDecoder | |
CUbxParser | |
CIERS2010 | |
►Cstd::ifstream | |
CFileState | |
CIndentor | Helper object to allow push-pop style indentation in outputs |
CInertialIntegrator | |
►CInertialKalmans | |
CReceiverKalmans | |
CSatelliteKalmans | |
CInertialState | |
CInitialState | Object to hold the values used to initialise new states when adding to the kalman filter object |
►CInputOptions | Input source filenames and directories |
CACSConfig | General options object to be used throughout the software |
►CInt | |
CBWeek | |
CGWeek | |
CInteractiveMode | |
CInteractivePage | |
CInteractiveTerminalDestructor | |
CION | Ionosphere message |
CIonexOptions | |
CIonoErrorHandler | |
►CIonoObs | |
►CGObsMeta | Observation metadata and data derived from it |
CGObs | Raw observation data from a receiver |
CIonoPP | |
CIonosphericOptions | Options associated with the ionospheric modelling processing mode of operation |
►CIonoStat | |
CSatStat | Object containing persistent status parameters of individual satellites |
CIteratorType< OUTTYPE, INTYPE, VOIDTYPE > | An iterator that trys to cast elements to the desired type before using them |
CKalmanModel | Options associated with kalman filter states |
►CKeplerEph | |
CCeph | GPS/QZS CNAV/CNAV-2 or BDS CNAV-1/CNAV-2/CNAV-3 ephemeris |
CEph | GPS/QZS/GAL/BDS broadcast ephemeris |
CKFKey | Keys used to interface with Kalman filter objects |
CKFMeas | Object to hold measurements, design matrices, and residuals for multiple observations |
CKFMeasEntry | Object to hold an individual measurement |
CKFStatistics | |
Clc_t | |
CLegendre | |
CloadGrid | Implementation of the class to manage the tides |
Cloading | |
►CLObsMeta | |
CLObs | |
CLocalBasis | |
CMapIteratorType< OUTTYPE, INTYPE, KEYTYPE > | An iterator that trys to cast elements to the desired type before using them |
CMeasErrorHandler | |
CMjDateTT | |
CMjDateUt1 | |
CMjDateUtc | |
CMongo | |
CMongoInstanceOptions | |
CMongoStatesOptions | |
CNavigation | Navigation data type |
CNetwork | |
CNetworkOptions | |
►CNetworkStatistics | |
►CTcpSocket | |
►CNtripResponder | |
CNtripStream | |
CNtripUploader | |
CSisnetStream | |
CNtripBroadcaster | |
►CObsLister | |
►CCustomDecoder | |
CCustomParser | |
CRinexParser | |
►CRtcmDecoder | |
CRtcmParser | |
CSinexParser | |
CSlrParser | Interface for slr streams |
CSp3Parser | |
CUbxDecoder | |
►CObsMeta | |
►CObservation | |
CFObs | |
CGObs | Raw observation data from a receiver |
CLObs | |
CPObs | |
COceanPoleCoeff | Structure for grid points of ocean pole load tide coefficients |
COceanPoleGrid | Structure for grid map of ocean pole load tide coefficients |
COceanPoleTide | |
COrbexEntry | ORBEX entry to write out |
COrbexFileData | File editing information for ORBEX writing |
COrbitIntegrator | |
►COrbitOptions | Options associated with orbital force models |
COrbitState | |
CSatelliteOptions | Options to be applied to kalman filter states for individual satellites |
Cotl_input | |
►COutputOptions | Enabling and setting destiations of program outputs |
CACSConfig | General options object to be used throughout the software |
►CPacketStatistics | |
CCustomParser | |
CRtcmDecoder | |
CUbxParser | |
►CParser | |
CCustomParser | |
CDS2DCParser | |
CRinexParser | |
CRtcmParser | |
CSinexParser | |
CSlrParser | Interface for slr streams |
CSp3Parser | |
CUbxParser | |
►CPclk | Precise clock |
CPeph | Precise ephemeris |
CPhaseCenterOffset | |
CPhaseDiscControl | |
CPostfitOptions | |
CPrefitOptions | |
CPreprocOptions | |
CPropagationOptions | |
CPseudo | |
CPTime | |
►CQC | |
CSatStat | Object containing persistent status parameters of individual satellites |
CQueuedMongo | |
CQueuedSpit | |
►CRawSig | Raw observation data from a receiver for a single frequency |
CSig | Per signal data that is calculated from the raw signals |
►CReceiverLogs | |
CReceiver | Object to maintain receiver station data |
CRejectCallbackDetails | |
CRinex23Conversion | Rinex 2 conversions for individual receivers |
CRinexNavFileOutput | |
CRinexOutput | |
CRinexStation | |
CRtcmMsgTypeOpts | |
►CRtcmTrace | |
CRtcmDecoder | |
►CRtcmEncoder | |
CNtripUploader | |
►CRtk | |
CReceiver | Object to maintain receiver station data |
►CRtsOptions | |
►CFilterOptions | |
CIonModelOptions | |
►CKFState_ | Kalman filter object |
CKFState | Wrapper to simplify copying with default copy but overriding slightly |
CMinimumConstraintOptions | Options associated with the minimum constraints mode of operation |
CPppOptions | Options associated with the ppp processing mode of operation |
CSppOptions | |
CS_LC | |
CSatSys::SatData | |
CSatelliteErrorHandler | |
CSatGeom | |
CSatIdentity | |
CSatNav | |
►CSatPos | Satellite position data - for determining and storing satellite positions/clocks |
CGObs | Raw observation data from a receiver |
CLObs | |
CSatSys | Object holding satellite id, and providing related functions |
CSBASMessage | |
CSbsInOptions | |
CScpBasis | |
►CSerialStateMembers | |
CSerialState | |
CSignalInfo | |
CSigStat | Object containing persistent status parameters of individual signals |
CSinex | |
CSinex_stn_soln | |
CSinexAck | |
CSinexAntenna | |
CSinexDataHandling | |
CSinexGalPhaseCenter | |
CSinexGpsPhaseCenter | |
CSinexInputFile | |
CSinexInputHistory | |
CSinexNutCode | |
CSinexPreCode | |
CSinexRecData | |
CSinexReceiver | |
CSinexSatAttMode | |
CSinexSatCom | |
CSinexSatEcc | |
CSinexSatFreqChn | |
CSinexSatId | |
CSinexSatIdentity | |
CSinexSatMass | |
CSinexSatPc | |
CSinexSatPower | |
CSinexSatPrn | |
CSinexSatSnx | |
CSinexSatYawRate | |
CSinexSiteData | |
CSinexSiteEcc | |
CSinexSiteId | |
CSinexSolApriori | |
CSinexSolEpoch | |
CSinexSolEstimate | |
CSinexSolMatrix | |
CSinexSolNeq | |
CSinexSolStatistic | |
CSinexSourceId | |
CSinexTropDesc | |
CSinexTropSol | |
►CSlipOptions | |
CExcludeOptions | |
CSigStat::SlipStat | |
CSlrOptions | Options for processing SLR observations |
CSofa | |
CSolution | Solution of user mode processing functinos |
CSp3Entry | |
CSp3FileData | |
CSpaceWeather | |
CSpaceWeatherData | Space Weather data struct |
CSphBasis | |
CSphComp | |
CSphericalCom | |
CSSRAtm | |
CSSRAtmGlobal | |
CSSRAtmRegion | |
►CSSRBias | |
CSSRCodeBias | |
CSSRPhasBias | |
CSSRClk | |
CSSRClkInput | |
CSSREph | |
CSSREphInput | |
CSSRHeader | |
CSsrInOptions | |
CSSRMaps | |
CSSRMeta | |
►CSSRMetaOpts | |
CSsrBroadcast | |
CSsrOptions | Options associated with SSR corrections and exporting RTCM messages |
CSSROut | |
CSSRPhase | |
CSSRPhaseCh | |
CSSRTropData | |
CSSRUra | |
CSSRVTEClayer | |
CStateErrorHandler | |
CStaticField | Structure for variable and function related to the static gravity field |
CSTO | System Time offset message |
►CStream | |
CFileStream | |
►CSerialStream | |
CTcpSocket | |
►Cboost::iostreams::stream | |
CSerialState | |
►CStreamParser | |
CObsStream | |
CSumCount | |
CSurfaceDetails | |
CTEC | |
CTECPoint | |
CTempDisabler | |
CTempStreamDisabler | Helper object to temporarily and automatically disable and reenable a stream when the object goes out of scope |
CTestStatistics | |
CThing | |
CTidalDisplacement | Structure of ocean/atmospheric tide loading displacements in amplitude and phase |
CTidalWave | |
CTide | |
Ctide | Implementation of the class to manage the tides |
CTraceDummy | |
CTropMapBasis | |
CTropMapping | |
CSinexTropSol::TropSolutionEntry | |
CTropStates | |
►CTYPE | |
CCache< TYPE > | |
CTyper< ITERATOR, TYPE, KEYTYPE, INTYPE > | An object just for templating the other functions without over-verbosity |
CURL | |
CUtcTime | |
CVmf3GridPoint | Vmf3 grid file contents |
CXFormData | |
CXmlCloser | |
CYamlDefault | |
►Carray | |
CBiasMap | |
CGEpoch | |
CMongoOptions | |
CUYds | |
►Cmap | |
CMinconStatistics | |
CObsObsBiasMap | |
CReceiverMap | |
CSphericalComMap | |
CTideMap | Map of ocean/atmospheric tide loading displacements |
CTimeBiasMap | |
CVmf3 | |
►Costringstream | |
CInteractiveTerminal | |
►Ctuple | |
CCache< tuple< Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d > > | |
CCache< tuple< Vector3d > > | |
►Cvector | |
CClockList | |
CKFMeasEntryList | |
CKFMeasList | |
CObsList | List of observations for an epoch |
►CVector3d | |
CVector3dInit | |
CVectorEcef | |
CVectorEci | |
CVectorEnu | |
CVectorPos | |